Open jeremyhaile opened 9 years ago
I've just spent about an hour digging around and this is what I've found:$user&type=$type&month=$timestamp&grouping=$grouping&resolution=$resolution
the username of the user
unix timestamp of your start date
commercials: # of Commercial Breaks
grouping: none
resolution: hour || day
commercial_length: Commercial Break (secs)
grouping: none
resolution: hour || day
chat: Chat Activity
grouping: none
resolution: hour || day
max_concurrents: Max Concurrent Viewers
grouping: none
resolution: hour || day
concurrents: Concurrent Viewers
grouping: none || host_channel
follow: Follows
grouping: none
resolution: hour || day
unfollow: Unfollows
grouping: none
resolution: hour || day
time_broadcast: Time Broadcast
grouping: none
resolution: hour || day
time_watched: Time Watched
grouping: none
resolution: hour || day
unique_video_plays: Unique Visitors
grouping: none || url || player || geo || live
total_video_plays: Unique Visitors
grouping: none || url || player || geo || live || host_channel
Example url:
Applied settings:
Note it does require you to send a valid 'persistent' cookie with the request to show that you are logged in.
The 'persistent' cookie is set during the log in process (not the authentication process) and is next to impossible to get easily.
Login process: <-- cookie is set here.
-- Redirected to page where the login request was made from --
How I used php to test this in a cli environment:
function sendGet($url, $data = array(), $cookies, $decode = true) {
// Function for checking if a string is json
function isJson($string) {
return (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE);
// Function for building the cookies into the header
function buildCookies($data) {
$toReturn = "";
foreach ($data as $id => $val) {
$toReturn = $toReturn . $id . "=" . $val . "; ";
return $toReturn;
// Append the GET data to the end of the url
$url = ($data == array()) ? $url : $url . "?" . http_build_query($data);
// Perform the request
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Cookie: " . buildCookies($cookies)));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TCP_NODELAY, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$return = curl_exec($ch);
if ($decode && isJson($return))
$return = json_decode($return, true);
return $return;
$data = array(
"id" => "scagood",
"type" => "concurrents",
"grouping" => "none",
"resolution" => "day",
"month" => "1446047979"
$cookies = array(
// Note this is not a working value :)
"persistent" => "29490556%3A490178b4d38c7a02c0693f61a9%3A3641f6c1f1679ddf075324c697"
$data = sendGet("", $data, $cookies, false);
Hope this helps sca
@scagood - thanks for the info. That's very useful.
However, we currently have our customers go through an oauth flow, and we don't ask them for usernames/passwords. Which means we don't have access to a persistent
I assume there's no way to get this information without a username/password and performing a login on behalf of the user? (i.e. no way to get it with an oauth access token)
I am also very interested! I am trying now for a day to somehow access the Stats via an OAuth2 API call.
Unfortunately there are no methods that I can think of to allow you to simply request that data using the twitch api. I assume you've checked out the v5 documentation (
The only way I can think of you getting those stats are by either gathering them yourself or (dont do this next one) getting the user's username and password then page scraping the raw stats, this is a very bad idea and SHOULD NOT be implemented.
Good luck, sca
Is there any way currently or any plans to allow retrieving Twitch dashboard stats via the API?
For example, our customers would like to see their concurrent viewers, time broadcast, time watched, etc. However, we can't find a way to access this via the API.