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Super small video / broken css? on age gated twitch content in iframe #555

Closed jasongornall closed 7 years ago

jasongornall commented 8 years ago


Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36

monstercatx commented 8 years ago

image any updates?

scottrabin commented 8 years ago

Anything suspicious in your network tab? We've seen this happen when CSS fails to load for some reason.

SJAnderson commented 8 years ago

@scottrabin steve with Maestro.io here, got repro earlier today. appending this to the iframe fixed it. Didn't open network tab in time to confirm. looks like your suspicions are correct.

MCCB129 commented 8 years ago

@scottrabin seeing this issue happen more often, can we escalate a more permanent solution to prevent this moving forward?

mrjumjum commented 8 years ago

@MCCB129 Can you confirm if the css is failing to load when this issue happens on your end? You can check in the network tab, or append the css to the iframe.

MCCB129 commented 8 years ago

Confirmed, appending the css to the iframe fixes the issue.

mrjumjum commented 8 years ago

@MCCB129 So this means the css is failing to load. When you repro this issue, may you please check the network tab and tell me the status of the request for the css file? We are having trouble reproing this ourselves.

MCCB129 commented 8 years ago

I took this screenshot of the network tab the last time I repro'd: slack-imgs com

Seems like nothing is loading in the network tab under CSS. I've been reproing on this test site consistently: http://www.maestro.io/olivia39

jasongornall commented 8 years ago


seeing canceled css?

jasongornall commented 7 years ago

did some more testing and didn't see the canceled again. it just doesn't load sometimes (no visible problem in the logs)

mrjumjum commented 7 years ago

I am unable to repro the issue with the test link you provided. I'm on Chrome 51.0.2704.103, with no extensions installed.

To get the obvious things out of the way. When this issue shows up: What browser(s) are you using? What (if any) extension(s) did you have installed?

Marioario commented 7 years ago

@DallasNChains this is still happening :(


reproduced on live.wgleague.net

Marioario commented 7 years ago

this is using chrome but the issue appears on other browsers. I do not have any extensions installed at the moment / am able to repro in incognito mode

jasongornall commented 7 years ago


still happening :(

DallasNChains commented 7 years ago

Is the reproduction link you provided still valid, @jasongornall? I can't reproduce this at all, but it might be because I'm looking at a page that isn't age gated? Unsure.

domenvajevec commented 7 years ago

Got repro. image

jasongornall commented 7 years ago

I think it was a deep level bug on our level going to close this :) thanks for the help