justinvh / gitpaste

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Default time zone should be same as the host OS #19

Closed jtimberman closed 11 years ago

jtimberman commented 12 years ago

Not everyone using gitpaste will be in Phoenix, I'm afraid :-)

ohlol commented 11 years ago

Does this actually work for you? Cuz..

>>> 'None' == None False

justinvh commented 11 years ago

I am working on a modern port of gitpaste as this is pretty damn deprecated. Anyhow, before the days of humanize and the time filters in Django you had to use pytz. So, 'None' was just a reference for the timezone used in pytz.timezone function which would then in return throw an exception.

pytz.timezone('None') pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError: 'None'

Anyhow, in retrospect, it's silly. But today it is longer useful.

With that said: https://github.com/justinvh/gitpaste/tree/py3 will be the python-3 branch with Django 1.5 and so on. It's no where near done, but it'll get there soon.

ohlol commented 11 years ago

Cool. What I meant tho was that shouldn't it be None rather than 'None'? The former works, the latter does not (for me).