justinwoo / nix-shorts

A collection of short notes about Nix, down to what is immediately needed for users.
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Working with Nix Shell: clarification regarding easy-purescript-nix example #13

Open sbellem opened 4 years ago

sbellem commented 4 years ago


thanks for this guide. As someone who is totally new to the "nixverse" I was a bit puzzled by the following very simple example, under https://github.com/justinwoo/nix-shorts/blob/master/posts/working-with-nix-shells.md#expressions-as-arguments:

But instead of only top level attributes, you can also put entire expressions in the -p argument. For example, with the easy-purescript-nix project:

$ nix-shell \
    -p 'let ep = import ./default.nix {}; in [ ep.purs ep.spago ]' \
   --run 'which purs; which spago; purs --version; spago version'

So, if I understood correctly the command has to be run under a clone of the easy-purescript-nix repository. Perhaps adding the necessary git clone ... && cd ... instruction would be helpful.

I can make a small pull request for this if it makes sense.


justinwoo commented 2 months ago

Ah yeah, this really could use a better example that's contained to this repo with an example directory or something.

justinwoo commented 2 months ago

Changed the content to use an example just using nixpkgs: https://github.com/justinwoo/nix-shorts/commit/97fd2516fb4348b7442859c593aff1e954929b59