Closed aalexei closed 1 year ago
Ok, one workaround is to insert a starlette route instead of using SetRoute
async def servePdf(request):
return starlette.responses.Response(
#headers={'Content-Disposition':'attachment; filename="name.pdf"'},
), starlette.routing.Route('/file/{uid}', endpoint=servePdf))
The problem I now have is that session_id
is not available on the request object. Any way of getting that independent of request (I'm using it to track authentication)?
Could replicate some code from justpy:
from jpcore.justpy_config import SECRET_KEY, SESSION_COOKIE_NAME
from itsdangerous import Signer
def setSessionId(request):
Set session_id when bypassing JP routing
cookie_signer = Signer(str(SECRET_KEY))
session_cookie = request.cookies.get(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME)
session_id = cookie_signer.unsign(session_cookie).decode("utf-8")
request.session_id = session_id
Seems fragile though, if justpy changes its cookie handling then it will break. Is there a better way of handling responses that are not WebPage
@aalexei the current state of refactoring has moved the cookie handling to justpy_app in jpcore see and the code excerpt below
i consider this as a duplicate/addition to #535
current state of justpy cookie handling
def handle_session_cookie(self,request) -> typing.Union[bool, Response]:
handle the session cookie for this request
True if a new cookie and session has been created
# Handle web requests
session_cookie = request.cookies.get(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME)
new_cookie = False
if session_cookie:
session_id = cookie_signer.unsign(session_cookie).decode("utf-8")
return PlainTextResponse("Bad Session")
request.state.session_id = session_id
request.session_id = session_id
# Create new session_id
request.state.session_id = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
request.session_id = request.state.session_id
new_cookie = True
logging.debug(f"New session_id created: {request.session_id}")
return new_cookie
def set_cookie(self, request, response, load_page, new_cookie: typing.Union[bool, Response]):
set the cookie_value
request: the request
response: the response to be sent
load_page(WebPage): the WebPage to handle
new_cookie(bool|Response): True if there is a new cookie. Or Response if cookie was invalid
if isinstance(new_cookie, Response):
return new_cookie
if SESSIONS and new_cookie:
cookie_value = cookie_signer.sign(request.state.session_id)
cookie_value = cookie_value.decode("utf-8")
SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, cookie_value, max_age=COOKIE_MAX_AGE, httponly=True
for k, v in load_page.cookies.items():
response.set_cookie(k, v, max_age=COOKIE_MAX_AGE, httponly=True)
return response
This is linked to #180
you might want to try the direct FastAPI approach now see #662 and
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
some_file_path = "large-video-file.mp4"
app = FastAPI()
async def main():
return FileResponse(some_file_path) and the routing needs to be in the constructor of your JustpyApp
Hi, the following code used to work in juspy but now gives a "AssertionError: Function did not return a web page but a Response"
What is the correct way of returning a binary file like a PDF?