Closed Phonix88 closed 1 year ago
A possible fix cold be this:
def get_response_for_load_page(self,request,load_page):
get the response for the given webpage
request(Request): the request to handle
load_page(WebPage): the webpage to wrap with justpy and
return as a full HtmlResponse
Reponse: the response for the given load_page
page_type = type(load_page)
if page_type in [PlainTextResponse, JSONResponse, HTMLResponse]: <====== Add
return(load_page) <========== Add
assert issubclass(
page_type, WebPage
), f"Function did not return a web page but a {page_type.__name__}"
if len(load_page) == 0 and not load_page.html:
error_html="""<span style="color:red">Web page is empty - you might want to add components</span>"""
return HTMLResponse(error_html, 500)
def response(self,func:typing.Callable):
response decorator converts a function to a response
see also
func(typing.Callable): the function (returning a WebPage) to convert to a response
async def funcResponse(request)->HTMLResponse:
decorator function to apply the function to the request and
return it as a response
request(Request): the request to apply the function to
Response: a HTMLResponse applying the justpy infrastructure
new_cookie = self.handle_session_cookie(request)
wp = await self.get_page_for_func(request, func)
response = self.get_response_for_load_page(request, wp)
if type(response) not in [PlainTextResponse, JSONResponse, HTMLResponse]: <=======
response = self.set_cookie(request, response, wp, new_cookie)
await asyncio.sleep(LATENCY / 1000)
return response
see also #587 and #180
see #685
First of all, I apologize if the way/form of reporting a possible bug is not correct: it's the first time I've done it.
In this Def (located in
If you try to have session_id, in this Def, if you need the case in which JustPy should return an error in the session through the writing "Bad Session", now return this error:
AttributeError: 'Request' object has no attribute 'session_id'