justsoft / video_thumbnail

This plugin generates thumbnail from video file or URL. It returns image in memory or writes into a file. It offers rich options to control the image format, resolution and quality. Supports iOS and Android.
MIT License
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VideoThumbnailPlugin.java uses or overrides a deprecated API #81

Closed aenckli closed 3 years ago

aenckli commented 3 years ago

This errors come out when I build my project.

Note: D:\Program Files\flutter.pub-cache\hosted\pub.dartlang.org\video_thumbnail-0.3.3\android\src\main\java\xyz\justsoft\video_thumbnail\VideoThumbnailPlugin.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

Although I can continue to build, it still makes me worry about failure in certain situation. How can I solve this ?

justsoft commented 3 years ago

Please upgrade to the latest version to see if this warning still exists.

aenckli commented 3 years ago

the same after put ^0.4.3 in pubspec.yaml.

syssam commented 3 years ago

same issue, any update?

aenckli commented 3 years ago

The same issue. I am not using null safety. Is this related?

justsoft commented 3 years ago

The same issue. I am not using null safety. Is this related?

Not really. Right now, please ignore this warning.