justspamjustin / BossView

Manage your Marionette.js views like a boss! Manages events and rendering of sub-views.
MIT License
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Pulled main BossView functionality into a mixin. This was inspired by c... #6

Closed erikahlswede closed 8 years ago

erikahlswede commented 10 years ago

Added Marionette.CompositeView BossView. Pulled out main BossView functionality into a mixin and use it in both the ItemView and CompositeView BossView definition.

If this is something you are interested in, I can clean up test cases and right new ones for the Mixin/CompositeView

The mixins can be made very simple if a mixin library such as CocktailJS is introduced: https://github.com/onsi/cocktail

erikahlswede commented 10 years ago

I should note that the path of the traditional BossView has changed from Backbone.Marionette.BossView to Backbone.Marionette.BossView.ItemView.

davidnorth commented 9 years ago

This seems like a good idea, I'd like to use BossView with a CompositeView instead of an ItemView. Any chance this will get merged?

erikahlswede commented 9 years ago

I need to re-roll this. I should have a clean merge request soon

TheBox193 commented 9 years ago

Hmm, this would be useful for me as well. I could use BossView on a CompositeView, using cocktail seems interesting.

CraigAtWork commented 9 years ago

We did something very similar: make BossView a mixin and use Cocktail, or even just _.extend(). https://github.com/CraigAtWork/BossView

It would be great if BossView was just packaged as a mixin to apply to any Marionette view.

tinymammothdesign commented 9 years ago

Any chance of a clean merge soon? This looks fantastic, eager to get my hands on it :)

erikahlswede commented 9 years ago

I can work on this tomorrow.

tinymammothdesign commented 9 years ago

Can't wait :+1:

tinymammothdesign commented 9 years ago

Any updates? Did you need a hand with the merge? :)

tinymammothdesign commented 9 years ago

Bump! ;)

justspamjustin commented 9 years ago

@erikahlswede I added you as a contributor to the repo. I apologize it took me so long to get on this. We are no longer using BossView at my work. But if you are still using it, please help keep it moving forward. Thanks.

agwidarsito commented 8 years ago

We have a commit here, can we merge it in? ^^

erikahlswede commented 8 years ago

Many months later, going to close this and re-roll a clean pull request