juvenn / mustache.vim

Vim mode for mustache and handlebars (Deprecated)
125 stars 14 forks source link

Updates #11

Closed bruno- closed 11 years ago

bruno- commented 11 years ago

Hi @juvenn, once again, thanks for adding me to the project, and sorry for the delay in bringing the initial updates. I'm making a pull request with all the changes I added in my fork/project here (I'll be closing that repo soon).

I was thinking this might be too much of a change at once for the project.. but I pushed anyway. We do not have to accept this - but it can be a good base for the discussion and further iteration. So let me know what you think!


As I wrote above - lets discuss, comment and improve!

juvenn commented 11 years ago

So many thanks @bsutic,

They're great, especially setting the filetype to html, and loading ftplugin at the end of filetype detecting. I did not realize we could use a pipe to do that.

Matchit additions are good too, I think our peers will like it.

Gonna merge all in.