juvenn / mustache.vim

Vim mode for mustache and handlebars (Deprecated)
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Add .stache, .mstache, and .ms file extensions to match Coda plugin #8

Closed aripatrick closed 8 years ago

aripatrick commented 11 years ago

The Coda and SubEthaEdit plugin supports the .stache, .mstache, and .ms file extensions in addition to the standard .mustache extension. I added them to this plugin to make files created with those extensions "auto-magically" work in Vim as well. Simple, but useful.

juvenn commented 11 years ago

Sorry, @aripatrick , I'd really like the extension to be Just Work, but I'm not sure if it's going to be good to add all these extensions.

quad commented 11 years ago

Dang. I came here to make a similar pull request for .ms files.

chiel commented 11 years ago

You can always just associate those extensions with the mustache file type in your ~/.vimrc :)