juvinski / MoebiusRobot

MoebiusTech Robot files - some firmware, documents.
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Compiling and flashing from Linux? #1

Open dtbaker opened 1 year ago

dtbaker commented 1 year ago

Hi @juvinski,

Do you have any instructions on how I can compile this firmware on linux?

And then how to flash it to the STM board (what hardware do I need to connect my laptop to the STM board, is there a button I need to press to allow flashing etc..)

(if not possible from Linux, then some basic pointers for Windows would be greatly appreciated too)

Sorry for the beginner questions.

Thank you

juvinski commented 1 year ago

Hi @dtbaker

this project was done using the Kail 5 and I didn't know if there is a version for Windows - I just know the Windows version. To upload/download the firmware to the board there is the Cube32 and this tool - from STM - there is a Linux version. I uploaded using the ST-Link adapter to update the board.

dtbaker commented 1 year ago

Thank you @juvinski

Do you know where you plug the ST-Link adapter into the board?


juvinski commented 1 year ago

Hi @dtbaker the port is the SWD connector - beside the UART2 connector. You have the GND, 3V3 and clk and dio pins - where you need to connect to SWDIO to DIO pin and SWCLK to CLK.

dtbaker commented 1 year ago

Thank you, that piece of basic information is very helpful. Hopefully my ST-Link STM8/STM32 v2 arrives in a few days and I can try it out.