juxt / apex

A compendium of Clojure libraries for implementing web backends.
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Custom muuntaja dependency missing #4

Open bharendt opened 4 years ago

bharendt commented 4 years ago

When adding apex as a dependency to deps.edn

; deps.edn
apex/apex {:mvn/version "0.0.2"}

I get the following error:

Error building classpath. Could not find artifact com.github.juxt:muuntaja:jar:0.6.4-juxt-2 in central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/)

This dependency seems to be not available as Maven "package":

Screenshot 2020-04-22 at 12 57 00

I tried to include the custom apex version of that library and build the latest version using jitpack.io

; deps.edn
com.github.juxt/muuntaja {:mvn/version "0af289e"}
; ...
  "jitpack" {:url "https://jitpack.io"}}

but it still fails with the same error.

Any idea how I can access / build this version of the library? Thanks.

malcolmsparks commented 4 years ago

I suggest excluding the juxt fork of muutaja (with exclusions). It's only a small fix for text/* that isn't necessary.