juxt / bidi

Bidirectional URI routing
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How to route to a pdf file #205

Open lccambiaghi opened 4 years ago

lccambiaghi commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have a very dumb question. If I have a pdf file in my website at https://blog.com/resume.pdf, how could I route to that file?

This is my current code:

(def app-routes
  ["/" {""               :index
        "resume"         :resume
        true             :not-found}])

(def history
  (pushy/pushy set-page! (partial bidi/match-route app-routes)))

(defn pages [path]
  (case (:handler (:current-page @state))
    :index [index]
    :resume "https://blog.com/resume.pdf"

Thank you for your help!