juxt / clip

Light structure and support for dependency injection
MIT License
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cljs clip/stop error #38

Closed abritov closed 1 year ago

abritov commented 1 year ago
(def config {:executor juxt.clip.promesa/exec
               {:a {:start (list promesa.core/resolved 10)}}})

(def system (clip/start config))

(clip/stop config system)

Output: ; Execution error (Error) at (<cljs repl>:1). ; [object Promise] is not ISeqable

Expected to run without errors.



 [[funcool/promesa "4.0.2"]
  [binaryage/oops "0.7.2"]
  [juxt/clip "0.28.0"]]

  {:main app.core/main
   :target :node-script
   :compiler-options {:infer-externs :auto}
   :output-to "dist/app.js"
   {:after-load app.core/start!
    :before-load-async app.core/stop!}}
  {:target :node-test
   :output-to "dist/tests.js"
   :autorun true}}}

"shadow-cljs": "2.25.2" Clojure CLI version

SevereOverfl0w commented 1 year ago

This is because you haven't resolved your system. Try this instead:

(def config {:executor juxt.clip.promesa/exec
               {:a {:start (list promesa.core/resolved 10)}}})

(def system (clip/start config))

(-> system (.then #(clip/stop config %)))