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401 Unauthorized when trying to get admin token #21

Open admarrs opened 3 years ago

admarrs commented 3 years ago

Following the Test drive I get the following when trying to get-token for the admin user

site > bin/site get-token -u admin
site: Unix pass prefix: site/local/
site: Get token from http://localhost:2021/_site/token
site: Server response: 401 Unauthorized

site: Are your credentials valid? request-id is http://localhost:2021/_site/requests/50ba7d0fad679394de1aff2c

Looking at the log output it looks like the username being passed to juxt.pass.alpha.authentication/lookup-user is nil

17:16:43.457 [qtp1821409160-23] DEBUG juxt.site.alpha.handler - Resource provider: :juxt.site.alpha.handler/db
17:16:43.461 [qtp1821409160-23] ERROR juxt.pass.alpha.authentication - #error {
 :cause nil
 [{:type java.lang.NullPointerException
   :message nil
   :at [java.util.regex.Matcher getTextLength Matcher.java 1770]}]
 [[java.util.regex.Matcher getTextLength Matcher.java 1770]
  [java.util.regex.Matcher reset Matcher.java 416]
  [java.util.regex.Matcher <init> Matcher.java 253]
  [java.util.regex.Pattern matcher Pattern.java 1133]
  [clojure.core$re_matcher invokeStatic core.clj 4856]
  [clojure.core$re_matches invokeStatic core.clj 4886]
  [clojure.core$re_matches invoke core.clj 4886]
  [juxt.pass.alpha.authentication$lookup_user invokeStatic authentication.clj 105]
  [juxt.pass.alpha.authentication$lookup_user invoke authentication.clj 101]
  [juxt.pass.alpha.authentication$authenticate invokeStatic authentication.clj 263]
  [juxt.pass.alpha.authentication$authenticate invoke authentication.clj 227]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_authenticate$fn__16783 invoke handler.clj 800]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_negotiate_representation$fn__16778 invoke handler.clj 792]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_find_current_representations$fn__16773 invoke handler.clj 787]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_redirect$fn__16767 invoke handler.clj 773]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_locate_resource$fn__16762 invoke handler.clj 760]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_method_not_implemented_QMARK_$fn__16758 invoke handler.clj 754]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_error_handling$fn__16923 invoke handler.clj 1240]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_security_headers$fn__16828 invoke handler.clj 920]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_cors_headers$fn__16874 invoke handler.clj 1029]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_store_request_in_request_cache$fn__16965 invoke handler.clj 1380]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_store_request$fn__16969 invoke handler.clj 1387]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_log_request$fn__16975 invoke handler.clj 1405]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_service_unavailable_QMARK_$fn__16983 invoke handler.clj 1428]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_initialize_request$fn__16951 invoke handler.clj 1342]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_healthcheck$fn__16979 invoke handler.clj 1412]
  [juxt.site.alpha.handler$wrap_ring_1_adapter$fn__16959 invoke handler.clj 1369]
  [ring.adapter.jetty$proxy_handler$fn__8527 invoke jetty.clj 27]
  [ring.adapter.jetty.proxy$org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler$ff19274a handle nil -1]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper handle HandlerWrapper.java 127]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server handle Server.java 516]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel lambda$handle$1 HttpChannel.java 388]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel dispatch HttpChannel.java 633]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel handle HttpChannel.java 380]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection onFillable HttpConnection.java 273]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.io.AbstractConnection$ReadCallback succeeded AbstractConnection.java 311]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.io.FillInterest fillable FillInterest.java 105]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.io.ChannelEndPoint$1 run ChannelEndPoint.java 104]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool runJob QueuedThreadPool.java 773]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$Runner run QueuedThreadPool.java 905]
  [java.lang.Thread run Thread.java 834]]}
17:16:43.461 [qtp1821409160-23] DEBUG crux.query - :query {:find [rule], :where [[rule :juxt.site.alpha/type "Rule"]], :in []}
admarrs commented 3 years ago

After further investigation, the regex used to extract the username & password from the decoded token doesn't like symbols in the password.

So I'd suggest an update to the Test drive to add the -n flag to pass generate to exclude symbols from the password:

pass generate -n site/local/admin

With that change the Test drive worked as described.

malcolmsparks commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this - I've made the change you suggested to the documentation.

malcolmsparks commented 3 years ago

I'm still puzzled as to why this occurred. If you have a moment, could you paste me a bit more detail, or a password that causes the issue?

admarrs commented 3 years ago

The generated password that caused the problem was <d"DWP+"g/egZyR:`rYQ#QiXv

From the repl

site > clj
Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (re-matches #"([^:]*):([^:]*)" 'admin:<d"DWP+"g/egZyR:`rYQ#QiXv')
Syntax error reading source at (REPL:2:55).
Invalid token: g/egZyR:
Syntax error reading source at (REPL:2:66).
Unmatched delimiter: )
malcolmsparks commented 3 years ago

Thanks very much for sending this in, it's really helpful and I was able to spot the bug straight-away. The regex is wrong, it should almost certainly be ([^:]*):(.*) to allow passwords to have colons. If you don't mind, I'll re-open this issue in lieu of fixing this (and testing).

Note, when fixing this bug, remove the -n flag to the pass generate flag, as it won't be necessary.

burakakca commented 2 years ago

Hi , i done all steps but i get this error; Not Found Error Unauthorized Error

armincerf commented 2 years ago

Hi , i done all steps but i get this error;

Not Found Error

Unauthorized Error

Hi, we're currently rewriting all the authn/authz parts of site so this is problem won't exist in a few weeks when that gets merged but for now you can do one of the following things to solve this:

Hopefully that helps

burakakca commented 2 years ago

I tried but does not change . Also can't find the opt/login-page.