Open kreisligaspieler opened 7 months ago
Don't know it its a bug or if i did something wrong. If i want to delete the first row, i need to delete the second row! block RowDeleter oftype RowDeleter {delete: [row 1,];} doesn't do anything, whereas delete: [row 2] deletes the first row. This might be a bug, but could also happen when header: false is set. Pipeline: pipeline TestPipeline { Extractor -> TextFileInterpreter->RangeSelector->CSVInterpreter->ColumnDeleter->RowDeleter->TableInterpreter->Loader; block Extractor oftype HttpExtractor {url: "";} block TextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter {encoding: "utf8";} block RangeSelector oftype TextRangeSelector {lineFrom: 1;} block CSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter {enclosing: '"';delimiter: ",";} block RowDeleter oftype RowDeleter {delete: [row 1,];} block TableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter { header: false; columns: ["latitude" oftype decimal,"longitude" oftype decimal,"uuid" oftype text,"kreis_name" oftype text,"kreis_schluessel" oftype integer,"gemeindeverband_name" oftype text,"gemeindeverband_schluessel" oftype integer,"gemeinde_name" oftype text,"gemeinde_schluessel" oftype integer,"gemeindeteil_name" oftype text,"gemeindeteil_schluessel" oftype integer,"strasse_name" oftype text,"strasse_schluessel" oftype integer,"hausnummer" oftype integer,"hausnummer_zusatz" oftype text,"postleitzahl" oftype integer,"bezeichnung" oftype text,"traeger_bezeichnung" oftype text,"traeger_art" oftype text,"barrierefrei" oftype text,"oeffnungszeiten" oftype text,"telefon_festnetz" oftype text,"telefon_mobil" oftype text,"email" oftype text,"website" oftype text];} block Loader oftype SQLiteLoader {table: "a"; file: "a.sqlite";} }
Steps to reproduce
Don't know it its a bug or if i did something wrong. If i want to delete the first row, i need to delete the second row! block RowDeleter oftype RowDeleter {delete: [row 1,];} doesn't do anything, whereas delete: [row 2] deletes the first row. This might be a bug, but could also happen when header: false is set. Pipeline: pipeline TestPipeline { Extractor -> TextFileInterpreter->RangeSelector->CSVInterpreter->ColumnDeleter->RowDeleter->TableInterpreter->Loader; block Extractor oftype HttpExtractor {url: "";} block TextFileInterpreter oftype TextFileInterpreter {encoding: "utf8";} block RangeSelector oftype TextRangeSelector {lineFrom: 1;} block CSVInterpreter oftype CSVInterpreter {enclosing: '"';delimiter: ",";} block RowDeleter oftype RowDeleter {delete: [row 1,];} block TableInterpreter oftype TableInterpreter { header: false; columns: ["latitude" oftype decimal,"longitude" oftype decimal,"uuid" oftype text,"kreis_name" oftype text,"kreis_schluessel" oftype integer,"gemeindeverband_name" oftype text,"gemeindeverband_schluessel" oftype integer,"gemeinde_name" oftype text,"gemeinde_schluessel" oftype integer,"gemeindeteil_name" oftype text,"gemeindeteil_schluessel" oftype integer,"strasse_name" oftype text,"strasse_schluessel" oftype integer,"hausnummer" oftype integer,"hausnummer_zusatz" oftype text,"postleitzahl" oftype integer,"bezeichnung" oftype text,"traeger_bezeichnung" oftype text,"traeger_art" oftype text,"barrierefrei" oftype text,"oeffnungszeiten" oftype text,"telefon_festnetz" oftype text,"telefon_mobil" oftype text,"email" oftype text,"website" oftype text];} block Loader oftype SQLiteLoader {table: "a"; file: "a.sqlite";} }