jvalue / jayvee

Jayvee is a domain-specific language and runtime for automated processing of data pipelines
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[BUG] no execution result in composite blocktype #591

Open TungstnBallon opened 3 months ago

TungstnBallon commented 3 months ago

Steps to reproduce

run this model:

pipeline pip {

        -> TextFile
        -> CSV
        -> Table
        -> ToDecimals
        -> Loader;

    block XTractor oftype LocalFileExtractor {
        filePath: "data.csv";

    block TextFile oftype TextFileInterpreter { }
    block CSV oftype CSVInterpreter { }

    block Table oftype TableInterpreter {
        header: false;
        columns: [
            "c" oftype text,

    block ToDecimals oftype DecimalParser2 {
        columnName: "c";

    block Loader oftype SQLiteLoader {
        table: "table";
        file: "out.sqlite";

composite blocktype DecimalParser2 {
    input WithTextColumn oftype Table;
    output WithDecimalColumn oftype Table;

    property columnName oftype text;

        -> ParseDecimalBlock
        -> WithDecimalColumn;

    transform ParseDecimal {
        from decText oftype text;
        to dec oftype decimal;

        dec: asDecimal decText;

    block ParseDecimalBlock oftype TableTransformer {
        inputColumns: [
        outputColumn: columnName;

        uses: ParseDecimal;




This error does not occur if the composite blocktype is replaced with a regular TableTransformer inside the pipeline