Do you happen to have more details on using your Backend app. I am trying to learn and use your base.
I have Azure App created and Linked. Then I published the Backend app with updated connection string to my Azure MSSQL string in the web.config. Should it create my tables or is that a manual process?
Sorry for the late reply. If you set up the app in Azure as a "Mobile App Service", did you remember to pass in the correct "Zumo API" header? (I still deploy all my API backends as regular Web Applications -- which really isn't "best practice" anymore.)
Do you happen to have more details on using your Backend app. I am trying to learn and use your base.
I have Azure App created and Linked. Then I published the Backend app with updated connection string to my Azure MSSQL string in the web.config. Should it create my tables or is that a manual process?
I have pointed Admin and iOS app to my new app / site at: