jvantuyl / sublime_diagram_plugin

A Plug-In for Sublime Text 2 / 3 To Render Diagrams In Your Source Code
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Display a picture of ...Syntax Error?... after pressing alt-m #45

Closed UBarney closed 6 years ago

UBarney commented 8 years ago

I select the following code

 def extract_sections_from_html(self, page, BASE_URL):
        Extract sections (Section->SubSection) from the html page

        def _make_url(section_soup):  # FIXME: Extract from here and test
                return BASE_URL + section_soup.ul.a['href']
            except AttributeError:
                # Section might be empty and contain no links
                return None

        def _get_section_name(section_soup):  # FIXME: Extract from here and test
                return section_soup.h3.a.string.strip()
            except AttributeError:
                return None

        def _make_subsections(section_soup):
                subsections_soup = section_soup.ul.find_all("li")
            except AttributeError:
                return []
            # FIXME correct extraction of subsection.name (unicode)
            subsections = [SubSection(position=i,
                                      url=BASE_URL + s.a['href'],
                                      name=s.p.get_text().replace('current section',''))
                           for i, s in enumerate(subsections_soup, 1)]

            return subsections

        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
        sections_soup = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'chapter'})

        sections = [Section(position=i,
                    for i, section_soup in enumerate(sections_soup, 1)]
        # Filter out those sections for which name or url could not be parsed
        sections = [section for section in sections
                    if section.name and section.url]

        return sections

After pressing alt-m, it output this picture. parsing-lh6nlt

ghost commented 8 years ago

I had the same issue

jvantuyl commented 8 years ago

That's not PlantUML code, so it presumably can't graph it.