jvcleave / ofxImGui

Use ImGui in openFrameworks
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Compile errors in QT (windows) #31

Closed gorkacortazar closed 8 years ago

gorkacortazar commented 8 years ago

I am trying to compile the addon in MSYS2 but I got an strange linker error

addons/ofxImGui/libs/imgui/src/imgui.cpp:9190: undefined reference to 'ImmGetContext@4' addons/ofxImGui/libs/imgui/src/imgui.cpp:9196: undefined reference to 'ImmSetCompositionWindow@8'

Any idea of what could be causing that error? In QT/Linux works like a charm

victor-shepardson commented 8 years ago

I'm not using QT (just msys) but the solution was to add -limm32 to PROJECT_LDFLAGS in config.make

gorkacortazar commented 8 years ago

That works with MSYS2, in qt that can be configured in the qbs file as: of.linkerFlags: ['-limm32']

Thanks for the help!