jvcleave / ofxImGui

Use ImGui in openFrameworks
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ofParameter save special character #69

Closed Wolftronics-SBC closed 6 years ago

Wolftronics-SBC commented 6 years ago

if ## is in the name not save to xml ofParameter<int> min{ "##Min", 5000, 5000, 65535 }; // not save ## ? ofParameter<int> max{ "Max", 5000, 5000, 65535 }; ofParameterGroup parameters{ "Parameters", min, max };

ofXml xml;
ofSerialize(xml, parameters);
jvcleave commented 6 years ago

does the code work without ofxImGui? Sounds like an issue with ofXml or ofSerialize

Wolftronics-SBC commented 6 years ago

code not work without ofxImGui.

Wolftronics-SBC commented 6 years ago

not save min max value only position save

Wolftronics-SBC commented 6 years ago

ofXml child = xml.findFirst(name); I think this is a problem.

Wolftronics-SBC commented 6 years ago

` ofXml child = xml.findFirst(name);

if(!child || !name.find("##")){`
Wolftronics-SBC commented 6 years ago

load config not work does not matter ## ofXml xml; xml.load("settings.xml"); ofDeserialize(xml, parameters);

jvcleave commented 6 years ago

closing since the code doesn’t work without ofxImGui.