jveitchmichaelis / deeplabel

A cross-platform desktop image annotation tool for machine learning
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Issue in configure of object detector #41

Closed absagargupta closed 1 year ago

absagargupta commented 1 year ago

Hello @jveitchmichaelis. So I was trying to run yolov4 pretrained model on some of my images. I ran into an issue.

So I made a new project as instructed. Then upload the image folder. While configuring the object detector with config,weight and names file, the OK (on which we are supposed to click) vanishes. Since I am not able to configure the object detector, I am not able to run inference on my images.

Side note: I had earlier ran a yolov4-custom model on it with successful running. Whenever I try to configure the detector, the addresses of the weight,config and names of that project opens up. Changing the addresses makes the OK dissapear.

I have no clue as to what is happening

jveitchmichaelis commented 1 year ago

Hi @absagargupta

Sorry you've had trouble running your model in deeplabel. It's very difficult to debug this without more information. If you're able to share your weights and config info, privately if you need, I'd be happy to take a look for you.

You can email josh at restor.eco


absagargupta commented 1 year ago

I shared them on the mail. I do not think that it is the issue of weights and config files. Basically it is doing so for all the model. Any change in address is doing the same. It is still showing me the previous coco.names that were added and not the new one.

jveitchmichaelis commented 1 year ago

Ah ok this is a different issue then. Does it work if you load this model first?

What do you mean by address?

I received your email so I'll take a look when I can, thanks!

absagargupta commented 1 year ago

Screenshot from 2023-04-11 14-16-18 Paths to the model, config, names.

Yes it works if I load the first model. I think It is mainly because the coco.names of earler was with a single class whereas this one has 80 class. So is it possible that still the previous coco class is being considered ? Since even the terminal shows the class being added is a single one that too from previous project. $ ./deeplabel Database structure looks good QSqlDatabasePrivate::addDatabase: duplicate connection name '/media/sagar/New Volume4/everything/job/CNHi/auto-annotation/aaw', old connection removed. Database structure looks good Added detection class: 0 cotton

jveitchmichaelis commented 1 year ago

Yeah that sounds possible, probably it's not being cleared. Will have a look

absagargupta commented 1 year ago

Hello @jveitchmichaelis I found out the issue. It was that my config files and coco names were messed up. I am closing this issue. Sorry for any inconvienience.

jveitchmichaelis commented 1 year ago

I'll see if I can make the error reporting better here anyway, we shouldn't just close the dialogue.