jven / studyopenings

A tool to study chess openings.
MIT License
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Understanding mode #17

Closed GoodChessMind closed 5 years ago

GoodChessMind commented 5 years ago

Something new and into the future that no opening trainer software currently does. In order to understand openings and not just memorize them you not only need to be able to know WHY certain moves are good but WHY all the other moves are bad and the trainer currently says any move not entered into the repertoire is incorrect, which does makes sense. However, a feature that allows you to comment and store moves for bad moves so you understand why the other moves not in your repertoire are bad and visually see the bad variations on the board using analysis mode would be really great!

jven commented 5 years ago

It's an interesting idea. But I think having wrong moves in the repertoire (even if clearly differentiated from the right moves) might confuse users trying to memorize the right moves. Having only right moves in a repertoire makes it clear that all other moves not in the repertoire are incorrect. For the purposes of memorization, it's not relevant why those moves are omitted.

In an extreme case, you might want your repertoire to include unsound sacrifices. In that case, the "wrong" moves that are not in the repertoire may actually be "correct" from Stockfish's perspective.