Closed PerformanceCoder closed 3 months ago
So maybe through PyCall
, I wouldn't know. This wouldn't be necessary in Julia
but might be helpful here, as each +
call dispatches to a Python call, so I'd guess performance would be like the sum example. Does SymPy
itself provide such a function? If so, just calling that would be the better solution.
Thank you for your reply. Created a minimal working example using SymPy via PyCall. It demonstrates the difference in performance between the two ways of sum generation.
using BenchmarkTools
using SymPy
const SP = SymPy
using PyCall
sympy = pyimport("sympy")
function generate_sum_sp_trivial(n::Int)
SP.@syms x
sum = 0.0
for i in 1:n
sum += x^i*sin(i*x)
return sum
function generate_sum_sp_array(n::Int)
SP.@syms x
terms = map(t -> x^t*sin(t*x), 1:n)
return +(terms...)
function generate_sum_sp_pycall(n::Int)
x = sympy.Symbol("x")
terms = map(t -> x^t*sympy.sin(t*x), 1:n)
return sympy.Add(terms...)
for i in [1, 10, 100, 1000]
println("Trivial generation")
display(@benchmark generate_sum_sp_trivial($i))
println("\n\nMap and sum")
display(@benchmark generate_sum_sp_array($i))
display(@benchmark generate_sum_sp_pycall($i))
In this test, for i = 1000
I can achieve a 40x performance improvement with the use of sympy.Add
. Could you please add a wrapper for this function in SymPyCore?
Sure, what interface. Here is some test of a possible one that seems promising:
using SymPy
import SymPy: SymbolicObject
Base.:+(x::SymbolicObject, y, z, zs...) = sympy.Add(x, y, z, zs...) # <-- this is the addition
function f1(x)
t = first(x)
for i in 2:length(x)
t += x[i]
@syms x[1:50]
julia> @time sum(x); @time sum(x);
0.064616 seconds (41.41 k allocations: 2.823 MiB, 67.47% compilation time)
0.000073 seconds (50 allocations: 800 bytes)
julia> @time +(x...); @time +(x...);
0.090991 seconds (39.29 k allocations: 2.621 MiB, 98.48% compilation time)
0.000078 seconds (166 allocations: 5.609 KiB)
julia> @time sympy.Add(x...); @time sympy.Add(x...);
0.000209 seconds (114 allocations: 4.406 KiB)
0.000080 seconds (114 allocations: 4.406 KiB)
julia> @time f1(x); @time f1(x);
0.014017 seconds (3.66 k allocations: 249.180 KiB, 99.08% compilation time)
0.000075 seconds (50 allocations: 800 bytes)
julia> @syms x[1:5000];
julia> @time sum(x); @time sum(x);
9.424470 seconds (5.00 k allocations: 78.125 KiB)
9.642760 seconds (5.00 k allocations: 78.125 KiB)
julia> @time +(x...); @time +(x...);
0.059711 seconds (26.08 k allocations: 1.509 MiB, 32.12% compilation time)
0.001912 seconds (15.02 k allocations: 743.609 KiB)
julia> @time sympy.Add(x...); @time sympy.Add(x...);
0.002470 seconds (10.02 k allocations: 587.141 KiB)
0.001666 seconds (10.02 k allocations: 587.141 KiB)
julia> @time f1(x); @time f1(x);
69.795652 seconds (5.00 k allocations: 78.125 KiB)
77.302930 seconds (5.00 k allocations: 78.125 KiB)
I checked in a solution using +(x...)
. Let me know if that isn't helpful.
Thank you, this solution works great!
In Python, if I have an array of terms, a sum element can be created in this way:
res = sp.Add(*list_of_terms)
Usually it works much faster than
Is there any possibility to create SymPy sums in Julia the same way?