jverzani / gWidgets2tcltk

An R package implementing the gWidgets2 API for the tcltk package
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Icons/ expand=TRUE in gnotebook #12

Open jverzani opened 5 years ago

jverzani commented 5 years ago

This is from stack overflow. Showing icons don't work as expected, and the two expand=TRUE commands raises an error.


w <- gwindow("Example") 
visible(w) <- T 

mbl <- list() 
mbl$About$handler = function(h,...) {print("About"); gmessage("About clicked")} 
mbl$About$icon = "help_topic" 
mbl$Help$handler = function(h,...) print("Help") 
mbl$Help$icon = "help" 

mb <- gmenu(mbl, container = w) 

g <- ggroup(horizontal = F, container = w) 

nb <- gnotebook(cont = g) ## notebook 

Tab1 <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont=nb, label="Tab 1", expand = T) 
Tab2 <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont=nb, label="Tab 2", expand = T) 

g1 <- gframe("Frame", cont = Tab1, horizontal = T, expand=TRUE) 
SomeButton <- gbutton("Click", cont=g1) 
OtherButton <- gbutton("Close", cont=g1)