jvmahon / Homebridge-HomeSeer4

Homebridge Plugin for HomeSeer 3 and 4
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Update config.schema.json #113

Closed mwolter805 closed 4 years ago

mwolter805 commented 4 years ago

Changed offValues to type of Number to accept decimals in Config UI X. Added valueInt, valueNum, and valueTxt definitions in case other fields need to be changed to accept decimals or text values.

This updated config.schema.json was tested with Homebridge version 1.1.6 and Homebridge Config UI X version 4.27.1. Users will need to update to these versions to allow decimals to be entered in the settings section for the HomeSeer 4 of Config UI X.

Note: When viewing a previously saved Config (Settings section for the Homeseer4 plugin in Config UI X), only the first offValue is displayed. Even though only the first value is displayed, additional values remain in the config when saved and when the Homebridge service is restarted. I believe this is an issue with Config UI X.