jvoegele / gradle-android-plugin

Android plugin for the Gradle build system.
Apache License 2.0
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Gradle 1.0-rc-3 compatibility #58

Closed ealden closed 12 years ago

ealden commented 12 years ago

This PR aims to make the source compatible with Gradle 1.0-rc-3.

ealden commented 12 years ago

I'm getting a warning when building, which should be resolved as this might be removed in the future:

Dynamic properties are deprecated: http://gradle.org/docs/current/dsl/org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtraPropertiesExtension.html
Deprecated dynamic property: "artifact" on "root project 'gradle-android-plugin'", value: "gradle-android-plugin".
Deprecated dynamic property: "downloadJavadocs" on "org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model.IdeaModule_Decorated@3b4d82e1", value: "true".
ealden commented 12 years ago

Should be good already. Just need someone to review and merge :)