jvolkman / intellij-protobuf-editor

Protocol Buffers for IntelliJ-based IDEs
Apache License 2.0
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Crashes 2020.2 on attempt to add new protobuf path #39

Closed roboslone closed 3 years ago

roboslone commented 3 years ago
GoLand 2020.2.3
Build #GO-202.7319.61, built on September 16, 2020
Runtime version: 11.0.8+10-b944.31 x86_64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
macOS 10.16
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1979M
Cores: 12
Registry: ide.completion.variant.limit=500, ide.allow.merge.buttons=false, suggest.all.run.configurations.from.context=TRUE, ideFeaturesTrainer.welcomeScreen.tutorialsTree=TRUE
Non-Bundled Plugins: GrepConsole, String Manipulation, org.jetbrains.settingsRepository, cz.daku.intellij.extraActions, NodeJS, idea.plugin.protoeditor

Note: this is macOS Big Sur (public beta).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install "Protocol Buffer Editor" plugin
  2. Open "Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Protocol Buffers"
  3. Uncheck "Configure automatically"
  4. Add any path

GoLand crashes. Output: https://pastebin.com/yfbY56DA

jvolkman commented 3 years ago

Hi @roboslone,

I'm not able to reproduce this with GoLand 2020.2.3 on Catalina, including after installing the non-bundled plugins listed above. The stack trace that you provided seems to point to some plugin having an invalid SVG logo file, but there's no indication that this protobuf editor is the culprit. Adding an import path causes IntelliJ to refresh indexes and such which I assume is leading to the code path reloading plugin icons. It's certainly possible that this plugin's icon is problematic in some way, but it hasn't changed since the initial release and I have't seen anyone else report such problems.

My only suggestion would be to try installing a clean version of GoLand without any other plugins and see if you can still recreate the problem.

roboslone commented 3 years ago


I've disabled all plugins except for "Protocol Buffer Editor" and GoLand still crashes. I've also noticed that stacktrace appears before I even open IDE preferences, so it's not related.

Here's output before crash: https://pastebin.com/raw/bcVmdfua

jvolkman commented 3 years ago

@roboslone does this happen as soon as you click the + button? Or do you see the file dialog display before it crashes?

I'm guessing from these logs, you were able to see the file dialog (NSOpenPanel I guess), and the crash happened ~4 seconds later after accepting a selection?

2020-09-30 12:58:24.773 goland[39480:1192323] WARNING: <NSOpenPanel: 0x7fe4a0826750> running implicitly; please run panels using NSSavePanel rather than NSApplication.
2020-09-30 12:58:28.460 goland[39480:1192323] *** Assertion failure in -[AWTWindow_Normal _changeJustMain], NSWindow.m:13123
2020-09-30 12:58:28.461 goland[39480:1192323] Exception in NSApplicationAWT:

There are a few similar-looking issues in the Jetbrains tracker, but nothing very recent and no insight.

roboslone commented 3 years ago

Crash happens as soon as Finder modal window is closed.

roboslone commented 3 years ago

Fixed by either macOS or GoLand update.