jvpernis / esp32-ps3

Control your ESP32 projects with a PS3 controller!
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Led lights and Rubble not working #45

Open ORANGEID opened 2 years ago

ORANGEID commented 2 years ago

Hi There

First of thanks for this fantastic library works really well on the getting feedback from the the button just what i needed

Unfortunately i am not have much luck with feeding back to the controller

I am running on a esp32, coding in arduino and using what assume is a knock off ps3 controller

i am running the following command

// To set led 1 to light up Ps3.setPlayer(1); Verify's fine but doesn't seem to make any changes on the ps3 controller, also give no errors message

// to ruble controller Ps3.setRumble(100.0, 1000); Verify's fine Report following error message "E (544498) PS3_L2CAP: [ps3_l2cap_send_hid] sending command: failed"

Any help would greatly appreciated


kristian-abood commented 2 years ago

Hey James,

I'm having the exact same issue with my knock off ps3 controller.

Any help would for sure be appreciated!

Thanks, Kristian

agent6 commented 2 years ago

I am having the same issue.

ChrisvV1 commented 1 year ago

Same issue, but when i restart the controller it while show the correct number. but now the esp32 stops receiving data