jvpernis / esp32-ps3

Control your ESP32 projects with a PS3 controller!
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pairing problems with PS3 controller #50

Open muek14 opened 1 year ago

muek14 commented 1 year ago

I'm using your esp32-ps3 library and not all works fine. after loading the program on my ESP32 boards (I have tried different boards and the effect is the same on ALL my boards) I can pair my PS3 controller and also an PS4 controller. Ich have testet this with the example Ps3Connect.ino and it works but it works only, if I had erased the complete flash of my ESP32 before loading the program. After an simple reset of my ESP32 it's no more possible to pair my controllers.

esptool.py --chip esp32 erase_flash + load program --> pairing works perfekt reset my ESP32 --> pairing don't work reload the program to my ESP32 without erase flash before --> pairing don't work

I have change the MAC address in my controllers to the original BT MAC adresses of my ESP32 boards!

And an perhaps important Information is, I have no original SONY controller I'm using clones :-(

Have you any idea what the problem cold be? I think there is and basic initialisation missing ???

best regard from vienna/austria
