Closed jvxgit closed 1 month ago
For ISSUE D: Good idea, let us run the c-code generator to find out. The code generator is denoted as c2rust. Installing this tool yields
Ok, I found a workaround for ISSUE D:
We can follow the hint here:
Hence, I declare
pub type jvx_register_entry_profiling_data_c = extern fn (dat: *mut jvx_profiler_data_entry, name: *const std::os::raw::c_char, inst: *mut std::ffi::c_void);
pub type RegisterCallbackFunction = Option<jvx_register_entry_profiling_data_c>;
and then, declare the function to use the callback as
pub extern "C" fn ayf_starter_data_debug_prepare(hdl_dbg: *mut ayf_starter_data_debug, hdl_starter: *mut ayf_starter, spec_data: JvxCBitField,
cb_register: RegisterCallbackFunction, inst: *mut std::ffi::c_void) -> JvxDspBaseErrorType
And then, we can override the typedef for the callback in C with
typedef jvx_register_entry_profiling_data_c RegisterCallbackFunction;
The latter to be done in file AudYoFlo/sources/jvxLibraries/jvx-system-rust/include/jvx_rust_audyoflo_api.h
I can build the project now but I have not tested the code yet.
Extra hint:
The generation of elements in cbindgen can be suppressed as described here,
by using the syntax:
For issue C I changed the rs file like this:
pub struct ayf_test_test {
pub test: i16,
pub extern "C" fn ayf_starter_data_debug_prepare(hdl_dbg: *mut ayf_test_test, hdl_starter: *mut ayf_starter, spec_data: JvxCBitField,
cb_register: RegisterCallbackFunction, inst: *mut std::ffi::c_void) -> JvxDspBaseErrorType
just to see what happens. In that case cbindgen generates the right function declaration for the test struct:
struct ayf_test_test {
int16_t test;
JvxDspBaseErrorType ayf_starter_data_debug_prepare(struct ayf_test_test *hdl_dbg,
// [...]
It not the same problem as in the cbindgen ticket bzw similar. Still investigating..
Edit1: Works with
# Whether to parse dependent crates and include their types in the output
# default: false
parse_deps = true
in the cbindgen config but that generates bindings for all parsed types which is also a problem.
With Rust, I intend to realize all signal processing on the signal level as an alternative where currently, C is in use. However, the coupling is kind of complicated and demands the view of a Rust expert.
The first project is in the sub project ayfstarter. There, a C library exists that shall be replaced and be suitable as a reference for whatever is required for future projects.
The following problems are there with Rust at the moment:
The common structs for the lib 2) could be taken from the definition in 1). However, this yields an error message and fails. It seems to be related to the fact that the crate is of type "lib" which seems to not allow any "use" statement for parts of the definitions in the lib.
Currently, I have created a 3rd project located at "AudYoFlo/sources/sub-projects/ayfstarter/sources/Libraries/ayfstarterlib-rust-common". In that project, the structs for both projects are defined. This project is not of type "lib" and therefore can be referenced using "use".
When using the cbindgen code generation in the project ayfstarterlib-rust-common, nothing is exported. That is since the structs are not used there locally but will be used in the other projects. We might use the option in cbindgen to export headers for all dependencies. However, this is not very clever since lots of other referenced lib files are generated as well and neglect all local compile options.
I am declaring a dummy function
This lets the code generator output the code for the structs in C. And then, I add an additional header to translate the unknown typedefs, denoted as "jvx_rust_audyoflo_api.h".
which are declared in C asand
and declared in rust as
When using cbindgen to generate the code, the "struct" keyword is missing. That leads to compile errors.
I have "hidden" the Rust declaration in the jvx_dsp lib - which is unsatisfying. The issue seems to be reported but not really fixed: The described workaround is added to the cbindgen.toml file but does not solve the issue.
The callback is jvx_register_entry_profiling_data_c. This callback can even be a nullptr. Therefore, I need to check the value which I found to be realized as an Option in Rust,
This will be translated in cbindgen to
How can I map the struct Option_jvx_unregister_entry_profiling_data_c to a function pointer?
None yet, this is a show stopper!