jw3126 / Setfield.jl

Update deeply nested immutable structs.
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1.0 release #146

Open jw3126 opened 4 years ago

jw3126 commented 4 years ago

I think the API is pretty stable and the implementation is solid. What do you think about 1.0 @tkf ? Do you have any possible breaking changes in mind, we might want to do?

tkf commented 4 years ago

Now that you mention it, I just remembered that that there is an RFC for 2-arg get(::AbstractDict{K,V}, key) :: Union{Nothing,Some{V}} API https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/34821 which would totally ruin Setfield API... :cry:. Dictionary-like containers would define get(::ContainerType, key) while we need get(obj, ::Lens). This would introduce ambiguities.

(I guess there is some chance that dict?[key] become the syntax for Union{Nothing,Some{T}} version. This would be the best-case scenario. But there is also a big chance that it'd be used for Union{T,Missing}.)

I'm not sure what's the best strategy here. Renaming the function might be the only option but get and set are such adequate names... Is there a good name we can use instead of get? Or maybe a better name for https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/34821?

jw3126 commented 4 years ago

I actually remember pondering about whether overloading Base.get was too daring at the beginning of Setfield.jl :smile:

jw3126 commented 4 years ago

I was playing with the idea to turn this into a more radical refactoring.



julia> @lens(first()) ∘ @lens(last()) (@lens last(first(_)))

Any thoughts @tkf ?
tkf commented 4 years ago

I thought about lens(obj) a bit although kind of stopped considering once realized would be incompatible. But yeah, if we flip , it's consistent and potentially easy to understand (like what we did in Transducers.jl). I guess it's also kind of like Clojure where the symbols are callable and do the key lookup.

If we are going to do such a radical change, probably it's the best timing for renaming the package #54. The name Accessors.jl discussed there is also kind of compatible with the direction of the "flipped" composition.

I also think going duck typing (+ maybe some traits at some point) is a good approach. Since we don't have multiple inheritance, we can't express all the optics hierarchy in Julian type system.

Anyway, to be honest I'm a bit scared of this direction but I'm in favor after all. One nice thing about "owning" the API function is that we can forget about the method ambiguities like https://github.com/JuliaCollections/DataStructures.jl/pull/511.

goretkin commented 4 years ago

Dictionary-like containers would define get(::ContainerType, key) while we need get(obj, ::Lens). This would introduce ambiguities.

I think I just ran into this ambiguity, but for a different reason (because of method delegation)

using Setfield: @set!

d = Dict(:k => (x=3,))
@set! d[:k].x += 4 # works

using DataStructures: DefaultDict

dd = DefaultDict((x=0,), :k=>(x=3,))
@set! dd[:k].x += 4 # does not:
ERROR: MethodError: get(::DefaultDict{Symbol,NamedTuple{(:x,),Tuple{Int64}},NamedTuple{(:x,),Tuple{Int64}}}, ::Setfield.ComposedLens{Setfield.IndexLens{Tuple{Symbol}},Setfield.PropertyLens{:x}}) is ambiguous. Candidates:
  get(a::DefaultDict, args...) in DataStructures at /Users/goretkin/.julia/packages/DataStructures/iWRBf/src/delegate.jl:21
  get(obj, l::Setfield.ComposedLens) in Setfield at /Users/goretkin/.julia/packages/Setfield/XM37G/src/lens.jl:163
Possible fix, define
  get(::DefaultDict, ::Setfield.ComposedLens)
tkf commented 4 years ago

Yeah, that's https://github.com/JuliaCollections/DataStructures.jl/pull/511

MarkusLohmayer commented 4 years ago

Since you are talking about major refactoring and renaming of the package, maybe it should be considered how to (later) add support for sum types / prisms ...

jw3126 commented 4 years ago

@MarkusLohmayer do you have some thoughts on this?

MarkusLohmayer commented 4 years ago

I wish I had! The first unknown, I guess, is the way sum types are expressed in Julia. According to my knowledge, Julia does not directly support algebraic datatypes like other functional languages. This has been argued here and here. So it is probably much harder to come up with an idiomatic approach to prisms. And secondly, to have an overall implementation of optics (lenses, prisms, ...) which can be composed with each other is also not necessarily an easy thing to do, I guess. I am just in the process of learning functional programming stuff. I would like to learn more and contribute, though.

tkf commented 4 years ago

Hi, this comment is totally off-topic :sweat_smile:, but this thread seems to be the best place to ping Julians who are interested in optics. FYI, it looks like Keno is looking into organizing notations for AD based on Riley, Categories of Optics (https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.00738). See PDF here https://gist.github.com/Keno/4a6507b75288b1fe671e9d1cc683014f. Not sure where the discussion is happening but I saw this in slack: https://app.slack.com/client/T68168MUP/C6G240ENA/thread/C6G240ENA-1599261433.092100

jw3126 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @tkf . There is also the #catlab channel on slack.

jw3126 commented 2 years ago

From the discussion in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/34821 it seems unlikely that it will conflict with our usage of Base.get. Setfield.jl is stable now for years, so I think we can tag 1.0. Any objections @tkf ?

LilithHafner commented 2 years ago

Tagging a breaking release without breaking changes is not good because it requires all direct dependants to update their compact entries if they wish to continue receiving updates.

The explanation here applies: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/please-be-mindful-of-version-bounds-and-semantic-versioning-when-tagging-your-packages/30708

Given that at least 74 packages directly depend on Setfield, I think it is worth it to yank 1.0 from the general registry and retag master as non-breaking. See https://github.com/JuliaMath/NaNMath.jl/issues/59 for a similar case.

This is a list of 46 packages that currently depend on Setfield and do not declare support for v1.1.0 ``` DynamicGrids Ekztazy ExplicitFluxLayers Polymer UnionArrays WeightedArrays DataAugmentation BangBang JsonGrinder AeroMDAO SplittablesBase Rasters BenchmarkCI Transducers BifurcationInference MuseInference AlphaZero NaiveGAflux WhereTraits TreeKnit BitSAD ImageEdgeDetection Hyperopt FLoops CellMLToolkit AdvancedHMC Kaleido ThreadsX GeoData AbstractPPL HierarchicalTemporalMemory DynamicPPL FluxTraining ModelParameters CMBLensing TopOpt ReinforcementLearningExperiments FastAI MicroCollections Mill RegressionDiscontinuity SphericalHarmonics FeatureRegistries Cropbox PowerDynamics ReinforcementLearningZoo ```
jw3126 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @LilithHafner for bringing this up.

Tagging a breaking release without breaking changes is not good because it requires all direct dependants to update their compact entries if they wish to continue receiving updates.

I agree, this is annoying. However we are talking about 1.0 here, which is a promise of stability. Personally, I am more likely to pick up a dependency that is version 1.x than the same dependency if it is 0.x. So in my view, the benefits clearly outweigh the cost here.

I think it is worth it to yank 1.0 from the general registry

This release is months old. Yanking it will break packages that depend on Setfield = 1, right?

LilithHafner commented 2 years ago

You're right about yanking. I thaught it merely set a preference not to use a version but it actually makes it impossible to install (source).

It would be nice if there was an easier way we could let the resolver know that it is okay to use setfield 1.0 anywhere 0.8 is used than making 46 PRs.

jw3126 commented 2 years ago

It would be nice if there was an easier way we could let the resolver know that it is okay to use setfield 1.0 anywhere 0.8 is used than making 46 PRs.

Agreed would be handy to signal that this change is not breaking. I imagine 1.0 be non-breaking is quite common. Personally, I usually release 1.0 when I did not feel the need for breaking changes for a while.