jwa32 / CO2-Emissions-and-deforistaion-

CO2 emissions and deforestation are two large contributors to the high increase in CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere. Recently cattle farmers have been using fires to clear large areas of land in the Amazon rain forest, this has lead to nearly 60-70% of the trees dying. The Amazon rain forest is the largest land mass that produces oxygen for the entire globe. In China the main source of energy is coal power plants, this only adds more CO2 to the atmosphere and it causes respiratory problems to the people living in China.
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Getting started. . . #2

Open ebeshero opened 4 years ago

ebeshero commented 4 years ago

@jwa32 Here are some things to get your project started:

What do you think?

ebeshero commented 4 years ago

@jwa32 I visited @lewisabia 's GitHub to make sure he could see this issue. And I suddenly realized he has been posting lots of cool artwork in his GitHub practice. It gave me an idea--what do you think of this as an angle for working on your topic? https://github.com/lewisabia/gitlewis/issues/1

The idea I had was basically: Since your teammate has a strong interest in art, what about concentrating a project on making a digital archive of regional artwork made in places associated with global warming and deforestation. You could cluster the images according to how they address particular aspects of global warming, such as how deforestation is affecting every day life. Here's some light reading on that: https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/using-art-show-climate-change-threat

I'm tagging @alnopa9 here because she has great experience from the Banksy project on using XML to make a gallery. We need some good ideas for a foundation in XML for your project.

ebeshero commented 4 years ago

And @ads171 should be part of this, too. I saw both Luwi and Anthony in class today. I'm hoping to meet with the three of you maybe right after class on Wednesday 9/25 if possible? @lewisabia @jwa32