jwagner79 / DropboxZimlet

A Zimlet for Dropbox integration. Provides the ability to save an attachment in Zimbra to Dropbox and attach a link to a Dropbox file when composing a message.
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no save #10

Open ghost opened 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

Just installed this great app, gone thru the entire process created a chooser zcs-meridem and the API zcsmeridem and it looks like is all ok. I can attach files from dropbox and upload within same window, but when saving on dropbox although comes up the message "saving on dropbox.....file saved in Apps/Zimbra" , nothing is saved. I also added on dropbox folders Apps/zcs-meridem and Apps/zcsmeridem still nothing. Don't think is an issue with Oauth otherwise should not let me get files from dropbox, right? What can I check ? Thanks Mat ps. Italian version of com_zimbra_dropbox :


Zimbra Collaboration Suite Web Client

Copyright (C) 2013 Zimbra, Inc.

The contents of this file are subject to the Zimbra Public License

Version 1.3 ("License"); you may not use this file except in

compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"

basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.


description = Allega da e salva su Dropbox zimletLabel = Dropbox savingFile = "Salvo il file su Dropbox..." savedFile = "File salvato su Dropbox cartella Apps/Zimbra" errorSaving = "Salvataggio su Dropbox fallito"

ghost commented 11 years ago

Just found out that works from the registred account with dropbox...need to find out how can I allow other members within zimbra

jwagner79 commented 11 years ago

@mat8861 Sorry, I don't work for Zimbra anymore so I'm pretty rusty on what the issue might be. A couple of things might help. In order for the Zimlet to work with more than 5 users, Dropbox has to approve your app. Is your app approved?

When you do the save, can you bring up Firebug or Chrome Developer tools and look at the request response? If you can paste that information here it may help debug.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Sorry about, hope you got a better job then zimbra :) Thanks for your reply anyway, Dropbox has not approved...I just running the zimlet as it is without going thru approval process other then confirming emails. I thought that once the app goes thru that's all it is. It works fine with the registered account only, but since it should work (i guess) with the OAuth approval process, should work for any zimbra user, that's where I 'm facing the problem. As I said I made the chooser, the core api and entered the keys thru the zimlet....may be I am missing a step.. Thanks for reply !!!