jwalton / gh-ecr-push

GitHub Action to push a docker image to Amazon ECR.
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Where 'aws cli' coming from? #14

Open atDTSystemsLtd opened 3 years ago

atDTSystemsLtd commented 3 years ago

As far as I understand, your action employes aws CLI. Does it (action) expect aws CLI to be installed and available prior the use of the action? I can not see any "magi" in the code which would install aws CLI. Am I missing something?


archmagece commented 3 years ago

It works on github action but error occured with 'act'


| $ aws sts get-caller-identity --output json --region sp-lagrange-1
| /bin/bash: aws: command not found
| child_process.js:836
|     throw err;
|     ^
jwalton commented 3 years ago

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you - we had a family emergency over here.

All of the GitHub runners come with AWS preinstalled. If you're using a custom runner, you'd have to install it yourself.

jwalton commented 1 year ago

Although... We could swap in the aws-sdk and grab the login password that way... I'm going to leave this open - I'll make this change when I get a chance.