Open ghost opened 8 years ago
Hi @riddley,
I'll see if I can recreate the issue. Are you using cloud or server version of HipChat?
We're using the cloud version. Scrogson wasn't able to duplicate it with his one user setup, but when I provided my connection details, he was able to. Hit me up on Slack if you'd like.
I found the source of the problem. It's actually an issue in The problem is that the data coming back from the roster is so large that the data is not a complete xml stanza. So the parser never sends a message until it has a complete stanza.
I should have a fix soon.
Thanks for your patience!
I'm new to Elixir and trying to replace our home-grown Ruby bot with hedwig_hipchat and I'm seeing a deadlock after connecting. Elixir.Hedwig.Adapters.HipChat.get_roster/2 has this message in its box:
{stanza,#{'__struct__' => 'Elixir.Romeo.Stanza.IQ', from => nil, id => <<"5756">>, to => nil, type => <<"result">>, xml => {xmlel,<<"iq">>, [{<<"type">>,<<"result">>},{<<"id">>,<<"5756">>}], []}}}
As I mentioned, I'm very new to Elixir, so I'm not sure how much I can bring to debugging this, but I'm happy to provide you with whatever other information you need. I've hit you up on Slack, but I don't think you've seen it yet.
Also, I'm using:
{:hedwig_hipchat, github: "scrogson/hedwig_hipchat"},
which has been updated to use Romeo 0.6. I was working with scrogson, but he suggested that I contact you.