jwdempsey / GoogleMusic.bundle

Plex Google Music Plugin
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Library data should be refreshed each time the plugin is started #8

Closed jwdempsey closed 9 years ago

csparker247 commented 9 years ago

I've been thinking about this refresh issue and trying to figure out what a proper implementation might be.

In my head you'd want to do a check every time you loaded a section. Maybe a hash comparison between the server's list of songs and the cached list of songs and if they don't match, redownload the list? Unfortunately, I didn't find anything in gmusicapi that remotely resembled the sort of check you'd want to do.

In lieu of that, the cache should definitely be refreshed on startup, but it might also pay to have a 24 hour TTL and a manual refresh option.

jwdempsey commented 9 years ago

Library data is now refreshed every two hours. I've also added an option to refresh the library manually.