jwebmeister / tacspeak

Tacspeak - Fast, lightweight, modular speech recognition for gaming
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
42 stars 2 forks source link

Nothing happens in game #30

Closed ShadowESH123 closed 3 months ago

ShadowESH123 commented 3 months ago

I have everthing setup but nothing happens in game. Could it be because I use azerty ? I change the keybindings and run it as admin but it doesnt work. This is what I get in Tacspeak but nothing happens in game:

Please help

Tacspeak version 0.2.0

    Tacspeak - speech recognition for gaming
    © Copyright 2023-2024 by Joshua Webb

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

engine (INFO): Initialized 'kaldi' SR engine: KaldiEngine().
engine (INFO): Loading Kaldi-Active-Grammar v3.1.0 in process 16976.
engine (INFO): Kaldi options: {'model_dir': None, 'tmp_dir': None, 'audio_input_device': None, 'audio_self_threaded': True, 'audio_auto_reconnect': True, 'audio_reconnect_callback': None, 'retain_dir': None, 'retain_audio': False, 'retain_metadata': False, 'retain_approval_func': None, 'vad_aggressiveness': 3, 'vad_padding_start_ms': 150, 'vad_padding_end_ms': 150, 'vad_complex_padding_end_ms': 600, 'auto_add_to_user_lexicon': False, 'allow_online_pronunciations': False, 'lazy_compilation': True, 'invalidate_cache': False, 'expected_error_rate_threshold': None, 'alternative_dictation': None, 'compiler_init_config': {}, 'decoder_init_config': {}, 'listen_key': 226, 'listen_key_toggle': 2, 'listen_key_padding_end_ms_min': 1, 'listen_key_padding_end_ms_max': 170, 'listen_key_padding_end_always_max': False}
engine (INFO): streaming audio from 'Microfoonmatrix (Realtek(R) Aud' using MME: 16000 sample_rate, 10 block_duration_ms, 30 latency_ms
directory (INFO): Looking for command modules here: C:\Program Files\Tacspeak-3159-0-2-0-1705910527\tacspeak\grammar
directory (INFO): Valid paths: C:\Program Files\Tacspeak-3159-0-2-0-1705910527\tacspeak\grammar\_readyornot.py
module (INFO): CommandModule('_readyornot.py'): Loading module: 'C:\Program Files\Tacspeak-3159-0-2-0-1705910527\tacspeak\grammar\_readyornot.py'
-- Ready or Not keybindings --
-- Ready or Not keybindings --
engine (INFO): Loading grammar ReadyOrNot
engine (INFO): Loading grammar ReadyOrNot_priority
engine (INFO): Loading grammar _recobs_grammar
Ready to listen...
engine (INFO): Listening...
engine (INFO): Cold mic
engine (INFO): Hot mic
kaldi.wrapper (Level 15): decoded at 0.13 RTF, for 670 ms audio, spending 87 ms, of which 53 ms (60%) in finalization
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(7, ReadyOrNot::StackUp) | team stack up right
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(7, ReadyOrNot::StackUp) | team stack up right
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(7, ReadyOrNot::StackUp) | team stack up right
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(7, ReadyOrNot::StackUp) | team stack up right
current team go stack up right
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'NULL_ACTION = Function(lambda: print("NULL_ACTION")\n                       if DEBUG_NOCMD_PRINT_ONLY else None)'()+'debug_print_key'()+'debug_print_key'()+'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'NULL_ACTION = Function(lambda: print("NULL_ACTION")\n                       if DEBUG_NOCMD_PRINT_ONLY else None)'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
engine (Level 15): End of phrase: eer=0.00 conf=nan, rule KaldiRule(7, ReadyOrNot::StackUp), 'team stack up right'
kaldi.wrapper (Level 15): decoded at 0.13 RTF, for 920 ms audio, spending 119 ms, of which 64 ms (54%) in finalization
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(11, ReadyOrNot::FallIn) | on me
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(11, ReadyOrNot::FallIn) | on me
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(11, ReadyOrNot::FallIn) | on me
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(11, ReadyOrNot::FallIn) | on me
current team go fall in single
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'NULL_ACTION = Function(lambda: print("NULL_ACTION")\n                       if DEBUG_NOCMD_PRINT_ONLY else None)'()+'debug_print_key'()+'debug_print_key'()+'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'NULL_ACTION = Function(lambda: print("NULL_ACTION")\n                       if DEBUG_NOCMD_PRINT_ONLY else None)'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
kaldi.wrapper (Level 15): decoded at 0.10 RTF, for 830 ms audio, spending 85 ms, of which 38 ms (45%) in finalization
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(10, ReadyOrNot::GroundOptions) | stop
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(10, ReadyOrNot::GroundOptions) | stop
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(10, ReadyOrNot::GroundOptions) | stop
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(10, ReadyOrNot::GroundOptions) | stop
current team go halt
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'NULL_ACTION = Function(lambda: print("NULL_ACTION")\n                       if DEBUG_NOCMD_PRINT_ONLY else None)'()+'debug_print_key'()+'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'NULL_ACTION = Function(lambda: print("NULL_ACTION")\n                       if DEBUG_NOCMD_PRINT_ONLY else None)'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
(kb_4 )
kaldi.wrapper (Level 15): decoded at 0.11 RTF, for 1110 ms audio, spending 120 ms, of which 53 ms (45%) in finalization
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(11, ReadyOrNot::FallIn) | fall in
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(11, ReadyOrNot::FallIn) | fall in
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(11, ReadyOrNot::FallIn) | fall in
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(11, ReadyOrNot::FallIn) | fall in
current team go fall in single
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'NULL_ACTION = Function(lambda: print("NULL_ACTION")\n                       if DEBUG_NOCMD_PRINT_ONLY else None)'()+'debug_print_key'()+'debug_print_key'()+'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'NULL_ACTION = Function(lambda: print("NULL_ACTION")\n                       if DEBUG_NOCMD_PRINT_ONLY else None)'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
kaldi.wrapper (Level 15): decoded at 0.10 RTF, for 1520 ms audio, spending 153 ms, of which 44 ms (29%) in finalization
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(7, ReadyOrNot::StackUp) | gold team stack up
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(7, ReadyOrNot::StackUp) | gold team stack up
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(7, ReadyOrNot::StackUp) | gold team stack up
on_recognition (INFO): KaldiRule(7, ReadyOrNot::StackUp) | gold team stack up
gold team go stack up split
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'()+'debug_print_key'()+'debug_print_key'()+'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
action.exec (DEBUG): Executing action: 'debug_print_key'() (None)
engine (INFO): Cold mic
jwebmeister commented 3 months ago

Check your user_settings.py, specifically it should contain DEBUG_MODE = False.

If DEBUG_MODE is set to True, Tacspeak will print the command and debug text but not press any virtual keys, basically doing nothing in-game.

ShadowESH123 commented 3 months ago

my setttings

DEBUG_MODE = False, # enables additional logging, and if properly setup in the grammar module:

- enables module without needing the app in focus, i.e. AppContext()

                                            # - actions only print to console, they don't press virtual keys

DEBUG_HEAVY_DUMP_GRAMMAR = False, # expensive on memory, don't set this to True unless you're sure

if properly setup in the grammar module:

                                            # - generates a .debug_grammar_*.txt that describes the spec of the active commands

USE_NOISE_SINK = True, # load NoiseSink rule(s), if it's setup in the grammar module.

- it should partially capture other noises and words outside of commands, and do nothing.

def my_retain_func(audio_store): """Used in retain_approval_func""" return not 'NoiseSink' in audio_store.rule_name

KALDI_ENGINE_SETTINGS = { "listen_key":0xE2, # see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes

0x10=SHIFT key

                                            # 0xE2=Next to SHIFT key
                                            # 0x05=X1 mouse button
                                            # 0x06=X2 mouse button
                                            # None=overrides listen_key_toggle, and sets it into always listening mode; 
                                            #      uses Voice Activity Detector (VAD) to detect end of speech and recognise commands.
"listen_key_toggle":2,                      # Recommended is 0 or -1. 
                                            #  0 for toggle mode off; 
                                            #  1 for toggle mode on; 
                                            #  2 for global toggle mode on (use VAD); 
                                            #  -1 for toggle mode off but allow priority grammar even when key not pressed
"listen_key_padding_end_ms_min":1,          # min ms of audio captured after listen_key is released (or toggled off), after which if VAD detects silence it will stop capturing; 
                                            # recommended is 1 if using listen_key_toggle (0 or -1), 0 for anything else.
"listen_key_padding_end_ms_max":170,        # max ms of audio captured after listen_key is released (or toggled off), but will stop short if VAD detects silence; 
                                            # recommended is 170 if using listen_key_toggle (0 or -1), 0 for anything else.
"listen_key_padding_end_always_max":False,  # disregard VAD and always capture listen_key_padding_end_ms_max of audio after listen_key is released (or toggled off)
"vad_padding_end_ms":150,                   # ms of required silence after VAD; 
                                            # recommended is 150 if using listen_key_toggle (0 or -1), 250 for anything else.
"auto_add_to_user_lexicon":False,           # this requires g2p_en (which isn't installed by default)
# "retain_dir":"./retain/",                 # uncomment this to retain recordings of recognised commands. set to a writeable directory to retain recognition metadata and/or audio data
# "retain_audio":True,                      # uncomment this to retain recordings of recognised commands. set to True to retain audio of recognitions in .wav files in the retain_dir (if set)
# "retain_metadata":True,                   # uncomment this to retain recordings of recognised commands. set to True to retain metadata of recognitions in a .tsv file in retain_dir (if set)
# "retain_approval_func":my_retain_func,    # uncomment this to retain recordings of recognised commands. set to a function returning `True` or `False` based on `AudioStoreEntry` contents
# "audio_input_device":None,                # set to an int to choose a non-default microphone. use "./tacspeak.exe --print_mic_list" to see what devices are available.
# "input_device_index":None,
# "vad_aggressiveness":3,                   # default aggressiveness of VAD
# "vad_padding_start_ms":150,               # default ms of required silence before VAD
# "model_dir":'kaldi_model',                # default model directory
# "tmp_dir":None, 
# "audio_self_threaded":True, 
# "audio_auto_reconnect":True, 
# "audio_reconnect_callback":None,
# "vad_complex_padding_end_ms":600,         # default ms of required silence after VAD for complex utterances
# "lazy_compilation":True,                  # set to True to parallelize & speed up loading
# "invalidate_cache":False,
# "expected_error_rate_threshold":None,
# "alternative_dictation":None,
# "compiler_init_config":None, 
# "decoder_init_config":None,


ShadowESH123 commented 3 months ago

my read or not file:


This file is part of Tacspeak.

(c) Copyright 2023 by Joshua Webb

Licensed under the AGPL-3.0; see LICENSE.txt file.


import sys import dragonfly from dragonfly import (BasicRule, CompoundRule, MappingRule, RuleRef, Repetition, RecognitionObserver, Function, Choice, IntegerRef, Grammar, Alternative, Literal, Text, Optional, AppContext, Dictation)

from dragonfly.engines.backend_kaldi.dictation import UserDictation as Dictation

from dragonfly.actions import (Key, Mouse, ActionBase)

from kaldi_active_grammar import KaldiRule


Check DEBUG_MODE (from user_settings)

try: DEBUG_MODE = (sys.modules["user_settings"]).DEBUG_MODE except Exception: DEBUG_MODE = False

try: DEBUG_HEAVY_DUMP_GRAMMAR = (sys.modules["user_settings"]).DEBUG_HEAVY_DUMP_GRAMMAR except Exception: DEBUG_HEAVY_DUMP_GRAMMAR = False

whether or not to load NoiseSink rule to grammar_priority

try: USE_NOISE_SINK = (sys.modules["user_settings"]).USE_NOISE_SINK except Exception: USE_NOISE_SINK = False

DEBUG_MODE = True # if you want to override

DEBUG_HEAVY_DUMP_GRAMMAR = True # if you want to override

USE_NOISE_SINK = False # if you want to override


Create this module's grammar and the context under which it'll be active.

if DEBUG_MODE: grammar_context = AppContext() else: grammar_context = AppContext(executable="ReadyOrNot") grammar = Grammar("ReadyOrNot", context=grammar_context, ) grammar_priority = Grammar("ReadyOrNot_priority", context=grammar_context, )


Variables used by grammar, rules, recognition observers below

Users should be able to look here first for customisation

Will map keybindings to print()


the minimum time between keys state changes (e.g. pressed then released),

it's to make sure key presses are registered in-game

min_delay = 3.3 # 100/(30 fps) = 3.3 (/100 seconds between frames)

map of action to in-game key bindings



ingame_key_bindings = { "gold": "f5", "blue": "f6", "red": "f7", "alpha": "f13", "bravo": "f14", "charlie": "f15", "delta": "f16", "cmd_1": "ampersand", "cmd_2": "é", "cmd_3": "quote", "cmd_4": "apostrophe ", "cmd_5": "leftparen", "cmd_6": "§", "cmd_7": "è", "cmd_8": "exclamation", "cmd_9": "ç", "cmd_back": "tab", "cmd_hold": "comma", "cmd_default": "z", "cmd_menu": "mouse_middle", "interact": "f", "yell": "f", }

def debug_printkey(device, key): print(f'({device}{key})')

if DEBUG_NOCMD_PRINT_ONLY: map_ingame_key_bindings = {k: Function(debug_printkey, device='m', key=v.replace("mouse", "")) if "mouse_" in v else Function(debug_print_key, device='kb', key=v) for k, v in ingame_key_bindings.items()} else: map_ingame_keybindings = {k: Mouse(f'{v.replace("mouse", "")}:down/{mindelay}, {v.replace("mouse", "")}:up') if "mouse_" in v else Key(f'{v}:down/{min_delay}, {v}:up') for k, v in ingame_key_bindings.items()}

print key bindings

print("-- Ready or Not keybindings --") for (k, v) in map_ingame_key_bindings.items(): print(f'{k}:{v}') print("-- Ready or Not keybindings --")

mappings of spoken phrases to values

map_hold = { "on my (mark | order | command)": "hold", } map_execute_or_cancels = { "execute": "execute", "cancel": "cancel", "go [go go]": "execute", } map_colors = { "gold": "gold", "blue": "blue", "red": "red", } map_door_options = {

note: stackup, breach & clear, open & clear, scan are separate options

"mirror [under]": "mirror",
"wand [under]": "mirror",
"disarm": "disarm", # todo! this inserts itself in the middle of the list and messes up other keybinds, update when Void updates
"wedge": "wedge", # "remove the wedge" has its own recognition. can specify if door is "trapped door" to use correct keybinds.
"block": "wedge",
"cover": "cover", # can specify if door is "trapped door" to use correct keybinds.
"open": "open", # can specify if door is "trapped door" to use correct keybinds.
"close": "close", # can specify if door is "trapped door" to use correct keybinds.

} map_door_trapped = { "trapped": "trapped", } map_door_stack_sides = {

todo! in 1.0 some doors don't have all stack options available, update when Void updates

"split": "split",
"left": "left",
"right": "right",
"auto": "auto",  

} map_door_breach_tools = { "open": "open", "move in": "open", "kick [it] [down]": "kick", "kick the door down": "kick", "(shotgun | shot e)": "shotgun", "c two": "c2", "[battering] ram [it]": "ram", "((leader | lead) will | wait for (my | me to)) (open | breach)": "leader", } map_door_grenades = { "(bang | flash bang | flash)": "flashbang", "stinger": "stinger", "(cs | gas | cs gas)": "gas", "[the] (fourty mil | launcher)": "launcher", "((leader | lead) will | wait for (my | me to)) (grenade | flash bang | bang | flash | stinger | cs | gas | cs gas | fourty mil | launcher)": "leader", } map_door_scan = {

todo! in 1.0 some doors don't have all scan options available, update when Void updates

"scan": "pie",
"slide": "slide",
"pie": "pie",
"peek": "peek",

} map_ground_options = {

note: deploy and fall in are separate options

"move ([over] (here | there) | [to] that (location | position))": "move",
"cover ([over] (here | there) | that (location | position))": "cover",
"(hold | halt | stop) [(position | movement)]": "halt",
"resume [movement]": "resume",
"(secure | search) [the] (area | room)": "search",
"(search for | collect | secure) evidence": "search",

} map_ground_fallin_formations = { "single file": "single", "double file": "double", "diamond [formation]": "diamond", "wedge [formation]": "wedge", } map_ground_deployables = { "(bang | flash bang | flash)": "flashbang", "stinger": "stinger", "(cs | gas | cs gas)": "gas", "chem light": "chemlight", "shield": "shield", } map_npc_player_interacts = { "move [(here | there)]": "move here", "(move | come) to (me | my position)": "move my position", "come here": "move my position", "stop [(there | moving | movement)]": "move stop", "turn around": "turn around", "move to [the] exit": "move to exit", "get out of here": "move to exit", "(get | move) outside": "move to exit", } map_npc_team_restrain = { "restrain": "restrain", "arrest": "restrain", } map_npc_team_deployables = { "taser": "taser", "tase": "taser", "pepper spray": "pepperspray", "pepper ball": "pepperball", "bean [bag]": "beanbag", "melee": "melee", "violence": "melee", } map_team_members = { "alpha": "alpha", "bravo": "bravo", "charlie": "charlie", "delta": "delta", } map_team_member_options = { "move": "move", "(focus | watch)": "focus", "(un | release) (focus | watch)" : "unfocus", "stop (focusing | watching)" : "unfocus", "swap with": "swap", "(search | secure) [the] (room | area)": "search", } map_team_member_move = { "([over] (here | there) | [to] that (location | position))": "here", "[over] ((here | there) | [to] that (location | position)) then back": "here then back", } map_team_member_focus = { "([over] (here | there) | [on] that (location | position))": "here", "([on] my position | on me)": "my position", "[on] [(the | that)] door [way]": "door", "[on] (em | them | him | her | [the] target)": "target", "(un focus | release)": "unfocus", }

def invert_squash_map(my_map): """ Returns an inverted map, where keys are the original values, and values are the concatenation of the original keys as alternative choices. For example: {'a':1,'b':1,'c':1} => {1: '(a | b | c)'} """ inv_map = {} for k, v in my_map.items(): inv_map[v] = inv_map.get(v, []) + [k] for k, v in inv_map.items(): inv_map[k] = '(' + ' | '.join('(' + v + ')') + ')' if len(v) > 1 else ''.join(v) return inv_map


Rules which will be added to our grammar

used to chain actions together, e.g. (NULL_ACTION + Key(...) + Mouse(...)).execute()

NULL_ACTION = Function(lambda: print("NULL_ACTION") if DEBUG_NOCMD_PRINT_ONLY else None)

def action_hold(direction): """ press "down" or release "up" the hold command key (on execution)


def cmd_execute_or_cancel_held_order(color, execute_or_cancel): """ Press & release command keys for team to execute held order """ actions = cmd_select_team(color) actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_menu"] match execute_or_cancel: case "execute": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_1"] case "cancel": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"] return actions

class ExecuteOrCancelHeldOrder(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise team execute or cancel a held order """ spec = " [team] [([that] [held] order | that [order])]" extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Choice("execute_or_cancel", map_execute_or_cancels), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "execute_or_cancel": "execute", }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    execute_or_cancel = extras["execute_or_cancel"]
    print(f"{color} team {execute_or_cancel} held order")
    cmd_execute_or_cancel_held_order(color, execute_or_cancel).execute()


def cmd_select_team(color): """ Press & release select color team key (on execution), or return NULL_ACTION """ if color != "current": return map_ingame_key_bindings[color] else: return NULL_ACTION

class SelectTeam(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise select color team """ spec = " team" extras = [Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current")] defaults = {"color": "current"}

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    print(f"Select {color}")

class SelectColor(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise select color team """ spec = "" extras = [Choice("color", ["blue", "red", "gold"])]

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    print(f"Select {color}")


def cmd_door_options(color, hold, door_option, trapped): """ Press & release command keys for team to mirror under, wedge, cover, open,

close the door (on execution)

actions = cmd_select_team(color)
actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_menu"]
# start hold for command
if hold == "hold":
    actions += action_hold("down")
match door_option:
    case "slide":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_4"]
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_1"]
    case "pie":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_4"]
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"]
    case "peek":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_4"]
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_3"]
    case "mirror":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_5"]
    case "disarm":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_6"]
    case "wedge":
        if trapped == "trapped":
            actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_7"]
            actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_6"]
    case "cover":
        if trapped == "trapped":
            actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_8"]
            actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_7"]
    case "open":
        if trapped == "trapped":
            actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_9"]
            actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_8"]
    case "close":
        if trapped == "trapped":
            actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_9"]
            actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_8"]
# end hold for command
if hold == "hold":
    actions += action_hold("up")
return actions

class DoorOptions(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise team mirror under, wedge, cover, open, close the door """ spec = " [team] [(the | that)] (door [way] | opening | room)" extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Optional(Choice("hold_choice", map_hold), "hold", "go"), Choice("door_option", map_door_options | map_door_scan), Optional(Choice("trapped_choice", map_door_trapped), "trapped", "not trapped"), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "hold": "go", "door_option": "open", "trapped": "not trapped", }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    hold = extras["hold"]
    door_option = extras["door_option"]
    trapped = extras["trapped"]
    print(f"{color} team {hold} {door_option} {trapped} the door")
    cmd_door_options(color, hold, door_option, trapped).execute()

class WedgeIt(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise team wedge it """ spec = " [team] (wedge | block) it [(the | that)] [door] [way]" extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Optional(Choice("hold_choice", map_hold), "hold", "go"), Optional(Choice("trapped_choice", map_door_trapped), "trapped", "not trapped"), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "hold": "go", "trapped": "not trapped", }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    hold = extras["hold"]
    trapped = extras["trapped"]
    print(f"{color} team {hold} wedge the {trapped} door")
    cmd_door_options(color, hold, "wedge", trapped).execute()

class RemoveTheWedge(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise team remove the wedge """ spec = " [team] remove [the] (wedge | block) [from] [(the | that)] [door] [way]" extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Optional(Choice("hold_choice", map_hold), "hold", "go"), Optional(Choice("trapped_choice", map_door_trapped), "trapped", "not trapped"), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "hold": "go", "trapped": "not trapped", }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    hold = extras["hold"]
    trapped = extras["trapped"]
    print(f"{color} team {hold} remove the wedge from the {trapped} door")
    cmd_door_options(color, hold, "wedge", trapped).execute()

class UseTheWand(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise team use the wand """ spec = " [team] use the (mirror | wand) [on] [(the | that)] [(door [way] | opening | room)]" extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Optional(Choice("hold_choice", map_hold), "hold", "go"), Optional(Choice("trapped_choice", map_door_trapped), "trapped", "not trapped"), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "hold": "go", "trapped": "not trapped", }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    hold = extras["hold"]
    trapped = extras["trapped"]
    print(f"{color} team {hold} use the wand on the {trapped} door")
    cmd_door_options(color, hold, "mirror", trapped).execute()


def cmd_stack_up(color, hold, side): """ Press & release command keys for team to stack up (on execution) """ actions = cmd_select_team(color) actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_menu"] actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_1"]

start hold for command

if hold == "hold":
    actions += action_hold("down")
# todo! in 1.0 some doors don't have all stack options available, update if/when Void update
match side: 
    case "split":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_1"]
    case "left":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"]
    case "right":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_3"]
    case "auto":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_4"]
# end hold for command
if hold == "hold":
    actions += action_hold("up")
return actions

class StackUp(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise team stack up on door """ spec_start = " [team] " spec_1 = "stack " spec_2 = "stack [up] []" spec_3 = " stack" spec_end = "[(on (the | that) door [way] | there | here)]" spec = f"{spec_start} ({spec_1} | {spec_2} | {spec_3}) {spec_end}" extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Optional(Choice("hold_choice", map_hold), "hold", "go"), Choice("side", map_door_stack_sides), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "hold": "go",

todo! in 1.0 some doors don't have all stack options available, change to "auto" if/when Void update

    # keeping as "split" for now because it's cmd_1 and don't want to swap off primary weapon if stack options 
    # aren't available
    "side": "split", 

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    hold = extras["hold"]
    side = extras["side"]
    print(f"{color} team {hold} stack up {side}")
    cmd_stack_up(color, hold, side).execute()


def cmd_breach_and_clear(color, hold, tool, grenade): """ Press & release command keys for team to breach & clear (on execution) """ actions = cmd_select_team(color) actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_menu"] if tool == "open": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"] else: actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_3"] match tool: case "kick": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_1"] case "shotgun": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"] case "c2": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_3"] case "ram": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_4"] case "leader": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_5"]

start hold for command

if hold == "hold":
    actions += action_hold("down")
match grenade:
    case "none":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_1"]
    case "flashbang":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"]
    case "stinger":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_3"]
    case "gas":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_4"]
    case "launcher":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_5"]
    case "leader":
        actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_6"]
# end hold for command
if hold == "hold":
    actions += action_hold("up")
return actions

class BreachAndClear(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise team breach and clear """

# "blue team on my command wait for my breach then clear it use flashbangs"
# "red on my order c2 the door use the fourty mil then breach and clear"
# "red team kick down the door breach and clear use cs"
# "gold open the door use flashbangs breach and clear"
# "blue flash and clear it"
# "red flash and clear"
# "kick it down clear it"
# "gold on my command c2 the door wait for my flash then breach and clear"
# "gold on my command shotgun the door lead will gas then clear it"
# "gold breach and clear use the fourty mil"
# "blue move in and clear it"

spec_start = "<color> [team] <hold>"
spec_tool = "[<tool>] [the door]"
spec_grenade = "[(throw | deploy | use)] <grenade> [grenade]"
spec_clear = "([then] breach and clear | (then | and) clear | [(then | and)] clear it | [then] move in and clear [it])"

spec = f"{spec_start} {spec_tool} ({spec_grenade} {spec_clear} | {spec_clear} {spec_grenade})"
extras = [
    Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"),
    Optional(Choice("hold_choice", map_hold), "hold", "go"),
    Choice("tool", map_door_breach_tools),
    Optional(Choice("grenade_choice", map_door_grenades), "grenade", "none"),
defaults = {
    "color": "current",
    "hold": "go",
    "tool": "open",
    "grenade": "none",

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    hold = extras["hold"]
    tool = extras["tool"]
    grenade = extras["grenade"]
    print(f"{color} team {hold} {tool} the door {grenade} breach and clear")
    cmd_breach_and_clear(color, hold, tool, grenade).execute()


def cmd_pick_lock(color, hold): """ Press & release command keys for the team to move to location

class PickLock(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise team pick the lock """ spec = " [team] pick ([the] door | [the] lock | it)" extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Optional(Choice("hold_choice", map_hold), "hold", "go"), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "hold": "go", }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    hold = extras["hold"]
    print(f"{color} team {hold} pick the lock")
    cmd_pick_lock(color, hold).execute()


def cmd_ground_options(color, hold, ground_option): """ Press & release command keys for the team to move, cover, halt (hold), search area

class GroundOptions(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise team move, cover, halt (hold), search area """ spec = " [team] " extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Optional(Choice("hold_choice", map_hold), "hold", "go"), Choice("ground_option", map_ground_options), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "hold": "go", "ground_option": "move" }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    hold = extras["hold"]
    ground_option = extras["ground_option"]
    print(f"{color} team {hold} {ground_option}")
    cmd_ground_options(color, hold, ground_option).execute()


def cmd_fallin(color, hold, formation): """ Press & release command keys for team to fall in (on execution)

class FallIn(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise team fall in """ spec_1 = " [team] (fall in | regroup | form up) [on me] []" spec_2 = " [team] on me []" spec = f"({spec_1} | {spec_2})" extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Optional(Choice("hold_choice", map_hold), "hold", "go"), Choice("formation", map_ground_fallin_formations), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "hold": "go", "formation": "single", }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    hold = extras["hold"]
    formation = extras["formation"]
    print(f"{color} team {hold} fall in {formation}")
    cmd_fallin(color, hold, formation).execute()


def cmd_use_deployable(color, hold, deployable): """ Press & release command keys for the team to use deployable (on execution)

class UseDeployable(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise command team to use a deployable at a location """ spec = " [team] deploy " extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Optional(Choice("hold_choice", map_hold), "hold", "go"), Choice("deployable", map_ground_deployables), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "hold": "go", "deployable": "flashbang", }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    hold = extras["hold"]
    deployable = extras["deployable"]
    print(f"{color} team {hold} deploy {deployable}")
    cmd_use_deployable(color, hold, deployable).execute()


def cmd_npc_player_interact(interaction): """ Press & release command keys for player to interact with target (on execution)

class NpcPlayerInteract(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise command an NPC (not team) """ spec = "you " extras = [ Choice("interaction", map_npc_player_interacts), ]

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    interaction = extras["interaction"]
    print(f"player to NPC {interaction}")


def cmd_npc_team_restrain(color): """ Press & release command keys for team to restrain NPC target (on execution)

class NpcTeamRestrain(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise command team to restrain NPC target """ spec_start = " [team]" spec_1 = " (em | them | him | her | [the] target)" spec = f"{spec_start} {spec_1}" extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Choice("restrain", map_npc_team_restrain), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "restrain": "restrain", }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    print(f"{color} team restrain target")


def cmd_npc_team_deploy(color, deployable): """ Press & release command keys for team to use deployable on NPC target (on execution)

class NpcTeamDeploy(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise command team to use deployable on NPC target """ spec_start = " [team]" spec_target = "(em | them | him | her | [the] target)" spec_1 = f"subdue {spec_target} [(use | with)] []" spec_2 = f" {spec_target}" spec_3 = f"make {spec_target} compliant [(use | with)] []" spec = f"{spec_start} ({spec_1} | {spec_2} | {spec_3})" extras = [ Optional(Choice("color_choice", map_colors), "color", "current"), Choice("deployable", map_npc_team_deployables), ] defaults = { "color": "current", "deployable": "melee", }

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    color = extras["color"]
    deployable = extras["deployable"]
    print(f"{color} team {deployable} target")
    cmd_npc_team_deploy(color, deployable).execute()


def cmd_select_team_member(team_member): """ Press & release select team member key (on execution) """ return map_ingame_key_bindings[team_member]

class SelectTeamMember(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise commands to individual team member """ spec = "" extras=[ Choice("team_member", map_team_members), ]

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    team_member = extras["team_member"]
    print(f"Select {team_member}")


def cmd_team_member_options(team_member, option, additional_option): """ Press & release command keys for interacting with individual team member (on execution) """ actions = map_ingame_key_bindings[team_member] actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_menu"] match option: case "move": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_1"] match additional_option: case "here": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_1"] case "here then back": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"] case "focus": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"] match additional_option: case "here": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_1"] case "my position": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"] case "door": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_3"] case "target": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_4"] case "unfocus": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_5"] case "unfocus": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"] actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_5"] case "swap": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_3"] match additional_option: case "alpha": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_1"] case "bravo": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_2"] case "charlie": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_3"] case "delta": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_4"] case "search": actions += map_ingame_key_bindings["cmd_4"] return actions

class TeamMemberOptions(CompoundRule): """ Speech recognise commands to individual team member """ spec = "

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):
    team_member = extras["team_member"]
    option = extras["option"]
    move_option = extras.get("move_option")
    focus_option = extras.get("focus_option")
    other_team_member = extras.get("other_team_member")
    additional_option = ((move_option if move_option is not None else "") 
        + (focus_option if focus_option is not None else "")
        + (other_team_member if other_team_member is not None else ""))
    print(f"{team_member} {option} {additional_option}")
    cmd_team_member_options(team_member, option, additional_option).execute()


def cmd_yell(): """ Press & release yell key (on execution) """ return map_ingame_key_bindings["yell"]

class YellFreeze(BasicRule): """ Speech recognise yell at NPC """ element = Alternative(( Literal("freeze"), Literal("hands"), Literal("drop"), Literal("drop it"), Literal("police"), ))

def _process_recognition(self, node, extras):


class NoiseSink(MappingRule): """ Capture any other noises or words outside of commands, and do nothing """ mapping = {'': ActionBase()} extras = [ Dictation("dictation") ]


Recognition Observer - for mid-utterance recognition

class FreezeRecob(RecognitionObserver): """ Observer of partial recognition of yell commands """ def init(self): RecognitionObserver.init(self) self.words = None self.frozen = False

def on_begin(self):
    self.frozen = False

def on_partial_recognition(self, words, rule):
    self.words = words
    if (not self.frozen) and isinstance(rule, KaldiRule) and rule.name == "ReadyOrNot_priority::YellFreeze":
        self.frozen = True

def on_recognition(self, words, results, rule, node):
    self.words = words
    # print("words={0}".format(words))
    # print("results={0}".format(results))

def on_failure(self, results):
    self.words = False

def on_end(self, results):
    self.words = False
    self.frozen = False


Add rules to grammar and create RecognitionObserver instances

grammar.add_rule(ExecuteOrCancelHeldOrder()) grammar.add_rule(SelectTeam()) grammar.add_rule(SelectColor()) grammar.add_rule(DoorOptions()) grammar.add_rule(WedgeIt()) grammar.add_rule(RemoveTheWedge()) grammar.add_rule(UseTheWand()) grammar.add_rule(StackUp()) grammar.add_rule(BreachAndClear()) grammar.add_rule(PickLock()) grammar.add_rule(GroundOptions()) grammar.add_rule(FallIn()) grammar.add_rule(UseDeployable()) grammar.add_rule(NpcPlayerInteract()) grammar.add_rule(NpcTeamRestrain()) grammar.add_rule(NpcTeamDeploy())

grammar.add_rule(TeamMemberOptions()) # needs key bindings for alpha-delta in-game

grammar.add_rule(SelectTeamMember()) # needs key bindings for alpha-delta in-game

grammar_priority.add_rule(YellFreeze()) if USE_NOISE_SINK: grammar_priority.add_rule(NoiseSink())

freeze_recob = FreezeRecob()


Load the grammar instance, register RecognitionObservers, and define how

to unload them.

grammar.load() grammar_priority.load() freeze_recob.register()


if DEBUG_MODE: from lark import Lark, Token import itertools grammar_string = r""" ?start: alternative

// ? means that the rule will be inlined iff there is a single child ?alternative: sequence ("|" sequence) ?sequence: single | sequence "{" WORD "}" -> special

?single: WORD+ -> literal | "<" WORD ">" -> reference | "[" alternative "]" -> optional | "(" alternative ")"

// Match anything which is not whitespace or a control character, // we will let the engine handle invalid words WORD: /[^\s[]<>|(){}]+/

%import common.WS_INLINE %ignore WS_INLINE """

def do_on_tree_item(tree_item):
    elements = []
    if tree_item.data == "literal":
        literal_children = []
        for child in tree_item.children:
        elements.append(' '.join(literal_children))
        literal_children = None
        return elements
    if tree_item.data == "optional": 
        for child in tree_item.children:
            if child is None: 
        return elements
    if tree_item.data == "alternative": 
        for child in tree_item.children:
            if child is None: 
        return elements
    if tree_item.data == "sequence": 
        for child in tree_item.children:
            if child is None: 
        product_iter = itertools.product(*elements)
        product_list = [' '.join((' '.join(i)).split()) for i in product_iter]
        product_set = set(product_list)
        product_list = list(product_set)
        product_set = None
        return product_list

with open(".debug_grammar_readyornot.txt", "w") as file:

    for rule in grammar.rules:

        # file.write(f"\n{rule._element.element_tree_string()}")
        # file.write(f"\n---")

        spec_parser = Lark(grammar_string, parser="lalr")
        tree = spec_parser.parse(rule.element.gstring())
        # file.write(f"\n{tree.pretty()}")

            # do_on_tree_item() can be expensive on memory, so we don't do this for 
            # just DEBUG_MODE
            for tree_item in tree.children:
                tree_item_options = do_on_tree_item(tree_item)
            if hasattr(rule, 'spec'):
            if hasattr(rule, 'extras'):
                for extra in rule.extras:
                    if isinstance(extra, Choice):
                        choice_name = extra.name
                        choice_keys = list(extra._choices.keys())
                    elif isinstance(extra, Optional):
                        if isinstance(extra._child, Choice):
                            el_name = extra.name
                            choice_keys = list(extra._child._choices.keys())
                        el_name = extra.name
                        el_tree = extra.element_tree_string()
        except Exception: 
            # it doesn't matter if we can't dump the grammar into a file & it may fail
            # if rules are added that don't only use CompoundRule and Choice
            print(f"Unable to grammar dump all of {rule.name}")

    for rule in grammar_priority.rules:

Unload function which will be called at unload time.

def unload(): global grammar global grammar_priority global freeze_recob if grammar: grammar.unload() grammar = None if grammar_priority: grammar_priority.unload() grammar_priority = None freeze_recob.unregister() freeze_recob = None

ShadowESH123 commented 3 months ago

Is there need to specify the game folder? in the settings is there need for "," after the debug mode line?

ShadowESH123 commented 3 months ago

I got it to work! Its amazing thanks for the work