Closed tzeier closed 1 year ago
Hello @tzeier
have you configured your own template files? Please check, if link is still correct:
Have you configured the scheduler task to regenerate all these day records? Please configure a scheduler task with a recurring for at least 24 hours
Maybe something went totally wrong. Please execute CLI Command
vendor/bin/typo3 events2:rebuild
This will truncate day table and re-create days for each of your events
Hi Stefan
Yes, I've configuired my own template files based on the originals. In the meantime I found out, that the "read more"-Link on the list page was the problem.
Instead of `<f:link.action action="show" controller="Day" pluginName="{f:if(condition: settings.pidOfDetailPage, then: 'show', else: 'list')}" pageUid="{settings.pidOfDetailPage}" arguments="{timestamp: day.dayTimeAsTimestamp, event: day.event}" title="{f:translate(key: 'singleView')}: {day.event.title}"
I had
<f:link.action action="show" controller="Day" pageUid="{settings.pidOfDetailPage}" arguments="{timestamp: '{day.dayTime -> \'U\')}', event: day.event}" title="{f:translate(key: 'singleView')}: {day.event.title}">{day.event.title}</f:link.action>
The parameter "pluginName" was missing. Did You add this in an Update or did i just forget to copy it to my tempalte file?
Anyway. After changing it to the new link format, it worked properly again.
Thanks for Your help anyway! =)
Hello @tzeier
TYPO3 has deprecated the usage of SwitchableControllerActions. That's why we had to add a lot more Plugins to our extension. See also news extension: They have the same problem and created an own tab to the newContentElementWizard. The problem with all these new plugins is, that you have to take care of all links from one plugin to the others.
Nice to see that you already have found a solution for you
I see. Means, I'll have to go throgh all of my own template files and check for depreceated links... Thank you.
On the Show Detail page i get the following error:
" #1298012500 TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\Exception\RequiredArgumentMissingException
Required argument "event" is not set for JWeiland\Events2\Controller\DayController->show."
How can I fix this?
(TYPO3 11.5.27, Events2 8.1.6)