I've managed to create a database (which shows up as a file on my SD card), but my program doesn't get past the line EDB_Status result = db.open(0);. Any idea what could be going wrong? Below my code (using an UNO):
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#define SD_PIN 10 //SD read/write pin
#define TABLE_SIZE 8192 //256*32
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <EDB.h>
char* db_name = "/DB/SENSOR.DB";
File dbFile;
struct sensorLog {
unsigned int id;
float input;
unsigned int timestamp;
// Setting up EDB object
inline void writer (unsigned long address, const byte* data, unsigned int recsize) {
inline void reader (unsigned long address, byte* data, unsigned int recsize) {
// Create an EDB object with the appropriate write and read handlers
EDB db(&writer, &reader);
void setup() {
Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
if (!SD.begin(SD_PIN)) {
Serial.println("initialization failed!");
while (1);
Serial.println("initialization done.");
// create file
dbFile = SD.open(db_name, FILE_WRITE);
db.create(0, TABLE_SIZE, (unsigned int)sizeof(sensorLog));
// open file
dbFile = SD.open(db_name, FILE_WRITE);
if (!dbFile) { Serial.println("File does not exist"); }
if (dbFile) {
Serial.println("File exists!"); // returns "File exists!"
EDB_Status result = db.open(0);
Serial.println("Result: " + String(result)); // is not printed
if (result == EDB_OK) {
} else {
Serial.println("ERROR: Did not find database in the file " + String(db_name));
// code to do stuff, if the above would work...
// close file
void loop() {
I've managed to create a database (which shows up as a file on my SD card), but my program doesn't get past the line
EDB_Status result = db.open(0);
. Any idea what could be going wrong? Below my code (using an UNO):