jwiegley / use-package

A use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Multiple Themes #857

Open dylnmc opened 4 years ago

dylnmc commented 4 years ago

I am have used emacs for three days. I am not sure if my issue is what I think it is, but I am not able to load a theme without enabling it when I use use-package macro.

Example: (use-package chocolate-theme). This enables the chocolate theme for some reason. I don't want that.

Longer example:

(use-package flatland-theme      :config (load-theme 'flatland t t)      )
(use-package afternoon-theme     :config (load-theme 'afternoon t t)     )
(use-package badger-theme        :config (load-theme 'badger t t)        )
(use-package dracula-theme       :config (load-theme 'dracula t t)       )
(use-package gruvbox-theme       :config (load-theme 'gruvbox t t)       )
(use-package nord-theme          :config (load-theme 'nord t t)          )
(use-package night-owl-theme     :config (load-theme 'night-owl t t)     )
(use-package gruber-darker-theme :config (load-theme 'gruber-darker t t) )
(use-package chocolate-theme     :config (load-theme 'chocolate t)       )

I have a few themes. As you can see, I passed t as the third parameter to load-theme for all of them except the last one, which means that all of the top themes should not get enabled, but the last theme should. Based on how use-package operates, this does not happen. Instead, they all get applied on top of each other, and I don' t want taht. They also don't get stored into custom-enabled-themes, which is weird because they're enabled. Can you please not auto-enable themes with use-package?

Or is the issue something on my end? I tried adding :defer t, :defer 1, and a few other things. This causes some themes to enter infinite recursion interestingly.

conao3 commented 3 years ago

To be honest, if you want to change the Emacs color theme to something different, you need to restart Emacs. This should not be necessary, but the reality is that it is not.

Therefore, all you need to do in init.el is to install and load only one theme.