Closed hongyi-zhao closed 2 years ago
reference to free variable ‘quelpa-cache’
warning message is on my mind.
please try again clean init.el and please tell use whole repro step?
please try again clean init.el and please tell use whole repro step?
Not quite sure what you expect me to do. Sorry for my poor English comprehension ability.
No, I'm sorry. My English is usually broken, but I think it's better. But this time it's especially terrible.
Anyway, all I want is to please tell us to reproduce steps on your issue more clearly.
Sample, I tried,
;;; init.el --- Sample clean init.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; ~/.debug.emacs.d/use-package-auto-package-update/init.el
;; you can run like 'emacs -q -l ~/.debug.emacs.d/use-package-auto-package-update/init.el' (eval-and-compile (setq user-emacs-directory (expand-file-name (file-name-directory (or load-file-name byte-compile-current-file buffer-file-name)))))
;;;; use-package bootstrap code;
;; ;; This is only needed once, near the top of the file
;; (eval-when-compile
;; ;; Following line is not needed if use-package.el is in ~/.emacs.d
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "
(eval-and-compile ; install use-pacakge and initialize package.el in compiler time (custom-set-variables '(package-archives '(("org" . "") ("melpa" . "") ("gnu" . "")))) (package-initialize) (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 'use-package)))
;; Enable use-package-always-ensure if you wish this behavior to ;; be global for all packages: (require 'use-package-ensure) (setq use-package-always-ensure t)
;; NOTE: :ensure will install a package if it is not already ;; installed, but it does not keep it up-to-date. If you want to ;; keep your packages updated automatically, one option is to use ;; auto-package-update, like (use-package auto-package-update :config (setq auto-package-update-delete-old-versions t) (setq auto-package-update-hide-results t) (auto-package-update-maybe))
(use-package company) (use-package evil) (use-package adaptive-wrap) ;; ...
2. invoke emacs via `emacs -q -l ~/.debug.emacs.d/use-package-auto-package-update/init.el`
3. the Emacs works well.
Thanks a lot for your clarification. I'll try and feedback necessary questions.
BTW, why do you still want to create yet another Emacs package manager considering that there are already so much popular wheels in this field?
Just interest. the another Emacs package manager is my first Emacs-lisp project.
I tried exactly according to your instructions with your above code and Emacs works well. But it will be better if we use a list to store the packages list instead of invoking use-package command line-by-line for each package.
It seems like everything was resolved here, so I'm closing this issue. If that understanding is wrong, please report back and we can consider reopening. Thanks.
According to the guide given here, I use the following settings in my ~/.emcas.d/init.el:
But when I start emacs, I meet there are some warning have been triggered by the above settings as shown below:
Are they harm?
Regards, HY