jwillinghalpern / fm-textexpander-snippets-example

text expander snippets for user FM Clip Tools on mac
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%snippet:_quoteclip% missing..??? #1

Closed LinuxPad closed 4 years ago

LinuxPad commented 4 years ago

Hey Josh... do you have this snipit you can share??

jwillinghalpern commented 4 years ago

Here the _quoteclip snippet.

--     escape backslashes and double quotes and wrap the whole string in double quotes
--     use this to make a string AppleScript-friendly for setting variables/clipboard


set str to the clipboard
set str to findAndReplaceInText(str, "\\", "\\\\")
set str to findAndReplaceInText(str, "\"", "\\\"")
set the clipboard to "\"" & str & "\""

Here is fnfindandreplace, which is referenced in the above snippet:

on findAndReplaceInText(theText, theSearchString, theReplacementString)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theSearchString
    set theTextItems to every text item of theText
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theReplacementString
    set theText to theTextItems as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return theText
end findAndReplaceInText
jwillinghalpern commented 4 years ago

Hope that helps. FWIW, this project is just a very bare-bones example to get going with FMClipTools + TextExpander, so broken stuff like this might not be essential to getting it working.

LinuxPad commented 4 years ago

Have you gotten this to working OS X catalina and FM 18? having a few issues.. ??

LinuxPad commented 4 years ago

Sorry.. one more thing.. what do yo have in your quote clipboard??? I can't seem to get it to work yet...

LinuxPad commented 4 years ago

btw.... got it working... FYI - I think github translated all the <> signs for %lt; and %gt;... after replacing them and then making another small change in script type from text to applescript.. it's all working now... thx so much for your help..

jwillinghalpern commented 4 years ago

@LinuxPad Hey glad you got it working.

A quick heads up, I intentionally made the snippets prefixed with _ (underscore) text instead of AppleScript so that I could dynamically build larger AppleScripts from small text chunks.

For example, in this picture I have an AppleScript snippet, but you'll notice at the top it references %snippet:fnfindandreplace%, which is a text snippet. By keeping small chunks as text you can combine them into other, more complex AppleScript snippets because they won't execute until embedded in that bigger AppleScript snippet.

Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 12 02 06 PM

I, and at least one other developer have run into issues like this, so my basic rule of thumb is to only make snippets AppleScript type if I'm going to run them directly, otherwise I keep them text and only use them within other snippet.
