jwilson8767 / covid-19-ventilator-concept

Intermittent positive-pressure ventilation to two patients
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Compliance with MHRA RMVS001 specification #5

Open jwilson8767 opened 4 years ago

jwilson8767 commented 4 years ago

(reposted for visibility from Neil Schipper on Agorize)

A spec for "Rapidly Manufactured Ventilator System (RMVS)" has been released by UK MHRA (their med/healthcare products regulatory agency). It is of course a different spec. It is longer though not terribly long (9 pages). More importantly, it has been put together with considerable care, and it may reduce confusion for some people here trying to find their footing. It explains operating modes quite well, is quite clear about "need to have", "nice to have" and "even nicer to have", is quite clear about tidal volumes, inh-exh ratios, electrical & oxygen supply issues, what needs to be displayed, operator interaction, and has a nice glossary. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/874279/RMVS001_Rapidly_Manufactured_Ventilator_Specification__PDF.pdf

NeilS-Wpg commented 4 years ago

Joshua, as a token of appreciation mixed with being somewhat intrigued by your concept, I posted about you & your concept at "Helpful Engineering", which is a covid-19 focused community that's days older than Code Life Ventilator Challenge at agorize.com.

It might be a good place for you to get the right kind of feedback and possibly collaboration. (I myself am in no position to speak to the strengths or weaknesses of your idea.)

I believe this invites you to register: https://helpfulengineering.slack.com/archives/CV96HC6DN/p1584912993006500 ; If not, then just https://helpfulengineering.slack.com ; the three channels I posted info about this project to are #discussion-hardware-ventilator, #project-ventilator-cam, #project-4-way-ventilator. (Channels are a feature of "slack"; not hard to learn. Also not hard to figure out how to search the "workspace".)

btw, I just today registered here so I could contact you; this is my first github message. So in the last week I registered to three new places.. something I usually don't do -- I'm not on FB or twitter -- but of course these are unusual times.

Best, N

jwilson8767 commented 4 years ago

@NeilS-Wpg Thanks! It looks like the slack workspace requires an invite link (how to: https://slack.com/help/articles/201330256-Invite-new-members-to-your-workspace#send-an-invitation), please just email it to me (jwilson8767@gmail.com) if you're trying to keep it private.

And yeah, I think a lot of us are outside our normal comfort zone with this.