jwinarske / meta-vulkan

Yocto Vulkan Layer
MIT License
10 stars 4 forks source link


Closed moto-timo closed 5 months ago

moto-timo commented 5 months ago

You need a LAYERDEPENDS or LAYERRECOMMENDS on meta-qt5 (and probably also meta-clang):

layers@updatelayers:/opt/layerindex$ ./layerindex/update.py --layer meta-vulkan --dry-run
INFO: Fetching remote repository https://github.com/jwinarske/meta-vulkan
INFO: Fetching remote repository git://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core
INFO: Fetching remote repository git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake
INFO: Collecting data for layer meta-vulkan on branch master (kirkstone)
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
BBFILE_COLLECTIONS = "meta-vulkan"
INFO: Collecting data for layer meta-vulkan on branch master (kirkstone)
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
ERROR: Unable to read /opt/workdir/https___github_com_jwinarske_meta-vulkan/dynamic-layers/qt5-layer/recipes-graphics/vulkan-caps-viewer/vulkan-caps-viewer_git.bb: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/workdir/git___git_openembedded_org_bitbake/lib/bb/command.py", line 90, in runCommand
    result = command_method(self, commandline)
  File "/opt/workdir/git___git_openembedded_org_bitbake/lib/bb/command.py", line 577, in parseRecipeFile
    envdata = command.cooker.databuilder._parse_recipe(config_data, fn, appendfiles, mc, layername)[cls]
  File "/opt/workdir/git___git_openembedded_org_bitbake/lib/bb/cookerdata.py", line 507, in _parse_recipe
    return bb.parse.handle(bbfile, bb_data)
  File "/opt/workdir/git___git_openembedded_org_bitbake/lib/bb/parse/__init__.py", line 115, in handle
    return h['handle'](fn, data, include, baseconfig)
  File "/opt/workdir/git___git_openembedded_org_bitbake/lib/bb/parse/parse_py/BBHandler.py", line 140, in handle
  File "/opt/workdir/git___git_openembedded_org_bitbake/lib/bb/parse/ast.py", line 20, in eval
  File "/opt/workdir/git___git_openembedded_org_bitbake/lib/bb/parse/ast.py", line 315, in eval
    bb.parse.BBHandler.inherit(self.classes, self.filename, self.lineno, data)
  File "/opt/workdir/git___git_openembedded_org_bitbake/lib/bb/parse/parse_py/BBHandler.py", line 70, in inherit
    raise ParseError("Could not inherit file %s" % (file), fn, lineno)
bb.parse.ParseError: ParseError at /opt/workdir/https___github_com_jwinarske_meta-vulkan/dynamic-layers/qt5-layer/recipes-graphics/vulkan-caps-viewer/vulkan-caps-viewer_git.bb:28: Could not inherit file classes/qmake5.bbclass
jwinarske commented 5 months ago

@moto-timo Hi Tim,

Thanks for the report. See if it passes now. I tried to setup layerindex-web on my Fedora machine, which only runs rootless podman; no luck just yet so not able to confirm.

moto-timo commented 5 months ago

@jwinarske rootless podman is on "The List". We're tightly coupled to docker and docker-compose at the moment, as you know.

moto-timo commented 5 months ago

@jwinarske looks good, Thank you very much. https://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/branch/kirkstone/layer/meta-vulkan/

moto-timo commented 5 months ago

@jwinarske rootless podman is on "The List". We're tightly coupled to docker and docker-compose at the moment, as you know.

@jwinarske feel free to file an enhancement request for podman support for layerindex-web.