jwise / HoRNDIS

Android USB tethering driver for Mac OS X
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I know Joshua no longer develops, but Chris1111 has archived his port already #151

Open zaphodd opened 2 years ago

zaphodd commented 2 years ago

i know Joshua no longer develops Horndis, and Chris1111 has archived his port already so i can not tell Chris of the issue i have. In the instructions it says to type the command below followed by Enter, and i follow this exactly.

/usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add 54GTJ2AU36

and the terminal returns this error: /usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add 54GTJ2AU36 spctl: failed to store new configuration.

what is the issue please ?

chris1111 commented 2 years ago

Follow exactly the guide its work SIP must be enable before clicking Consent-HoRNDIS.command GUIDE Consent HoRNDIS.pdf

zaphodd commented 2 years ago

Chris, i did exactly that, in those instructions letter for letter, precisely, but the error message is still the same. it failed to store the new configuration, as it told me before. i tried via sudo, but it still failed. I had SIP disabled, you say to do it whilst SIP is enabled, so i will install Big Sur again now and after the install and updates are done, the first thing i will do is this. I will write back after i do this with SIP Enabled as you instruct.

phu54321 commented 2 years ago

@chris1111 , could you compile a notarized build for arm64? For iPhone app execution SIP should be enabled, so we need arm64 build. Current upload isn't signed at all. Thanks.

Unsigned arm64e version

Notarized version is x86-64 only.

Signed x86_64 version

AlfredJKwack commented 2 years ago

Indeed a notarized M1 (arm64e) buid would be quite nice. @chris1111, would you be amenable to providing that?