jwise / HoRNDIS

Android USB tethering driver for Mac OS X
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Self-assigned IP #86

Closed m147 closed 6 years ago

m147 commented 6 years ago

macOs 10.11.6 HoRNDIS 8

I was having issues with HoRNDIS causing kernel panics. It used to be fine but all of a sudden started to cause kernel panics. I uninstalled the two kexts as per instructions on the site. I then installed the latest version 9.0. When I connect my phone to the macbook and turn on USB tether, it connects but says it has a self-assigned IP. Any ideas?

mikhailai commented 6 years ago

Hi @m147, thanks for reporting the issue. It could be a bug in HoRNDIS 9.0, and I need your help in finding out what it is. Could you please reboot your mac AND your phone and try tethering again. If it shows the same problem, please look at the "/var/log/system.log" file, find the latest line that contains: HoRNDIS: init: HoRNDIS tethering driver for Mac OS X, 9.0 and send me the part of the log starting from that line. I'm primarily looking for lines starting with "HoRNDIS", but surrounding lines may provide some clue as well.

Also, what is the phone you're trying to tether? Please tell me the manufacturer and the model. Also, if you happen to have another Android phone, please try it with the same macbook, and let me know whether that works or not.

m147 commented 6 years ago

Hi, restarting the phone and MacBook did the trick. Connected first go, no problem. Also seems to have fixed the kernel panics, used it as normally for about 45min, no problems. Thanks for the help.

mikhailai commented 6 years ago

Glad that worked. Thanks for letting me know.