jwjacobson / jazztunes

a jazz repertoire management app
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

deploy the app to the cloud #140

Closed bbelderbos closed 5 months ago

bbelderbos commented 6 months ago

@ryaustin recently presented on this: https://pybites.circle.so/c/circle-coaching-calls/deploying-a-django-app-to-fly-io

I am sticking to Heroku :)

If you want to try AWS fine too, but I found it less transparent (potential hidden costs)

bbelderbos commented 6 months ago

(Also part of the certification criteria)

jwjacobson commented 6 months ago

I'm leaning towards using AWS for now as I see it as a way of making use of my otherwise useless AWS certification! And to develop maybe professionally in that direction

bbelderbos commented 6 months ago

Sounds good, aws is awesome. I have used lambda and gateway a lot, s3 is great too. Looking forward to it.

bbelderbos commented 6 months ago

still going with aws :)

q: how to re-deploy a: yes, let's use GitHub Actions -> https://chat.openai.com/share/e6c1021c-1a62-4700-9994-f0f887b7b1e4

jwjacobson commented 6 months ago

currently app is 'deployed' but not running at http://jazztunes-dev.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/

the issue seems to be how the wsgi app is being referred to in the different configuration files (.ebextensions/django-config and the eb configuration)

I'm attaching the most recent log TailLogs-1706203204459.txt