jwoglom / tconnectsync

Syncs insulin pump data from Tandem t:connect to Nightscout for the t:slim X2
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Feature Suggestion: Upload Bolus Calculator Carbs as Note #27

Open kswick opened 2 years ago

kswick commented 2 years ago

Feature Suggestion: Add an option for carbs from bolus entries to be uploaded to Nightscout as a carb treatment as they are now or as a note along the lines of "calculated bolus for x carbs" on the insulin treatment.

Use Cases: I log carbs as I consume them so I end up with double entries in Nightscout. Doing this allows me to track pre-bolus duration. Other situations in which I find this useful include covering an estimated number of carbs then logging carbs as I consume them such as when grazing at a party, logging multiple parts of the meal separately such as lunch and dessert so I can see if the spike is related to when I ate the higher carb portion, and eating something different than planned (possibly due to glucose trends).

In this example, I calculated a bolus for 37g carbs but then changed my mind about what I was eating and logged the 25g and 18g as I ate and then covered the 6g difference between what I'd eaten and what I'd originally intended to eat. So I ate 43g, not 86 as Nightscout implies. image

jwoglom commented 2 years ago

Hi @kswick -- just to clarify, would an option to NOT track the pump submitted carbs as carbs on the treatment object in Nightscout, and put them in the notes instead such that NS doesn't count them as carbs on board, be ideal for your use case?