jwohlfert23 / react-native-tag-input

A simple React Native component that creates an input for tags, emails, etc.
MIT License
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Add support for TypeScript #69

Open KosGrillis opened 6 years ago

KosGrillis commented 6 years ago

There seems to be no support for TypeScript due to missing ts declaration file

Ashoat commented 6 years ago

None of the maintainers use TypeScript so we haven’t set up a libdef. PRs welcome!

KosGrillis commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I'll look into this.

pavm035 commented 5 years ago

Any support for typescript?

jesster2k10 commented 4 years ago

I added this manually to my project.


declare module 'react-native-tag-input' {
  import React, {PureComponent} from 'react'
  import {TextInputProps, ScrollView} from 'react-native'

  type StyleObj = Record<string, any>

  type KeyboardShouldPersistTapsProps =
    | 'always'
    | 'never'
    | 'handled'
    | false
    | true

  type RequiredProps<T> = {
     * An array of tags, which can be any type, as long as labelExtractor below
     * can extract a string from it
    value: ReadonlyArray<T>
     * A handler to be called when array of tags change. The parent should update
     * the value prop when this is called if they want to enable removal of tags
    onChange: (items: ReadonlyArray<T>) => void
     * Function to extract string value for label from item
    labelExtractor: (tagData: T) => string | React.ReactNode
     * The text currently being displayed in the TextInput following the list of
     * tags
    text: string
     * This callback gets called when the user types in the TextInput. The parent
     * should update the text prop when this is called if they want to enable
     * input. This is also where any parsing to detect new tags should occur
    onChangeText: (text: string) => void

  type OptionalProps = {
     * If false, text input is not editable and existing tags cannot be removed.
    editable: boolean
     * Background color of tags
    tagColor: string
     * Text color of tags
    tagTextColor: string
     * Styling override for container surrounding tag text
    tagContainerStyle?: StyleObj
     * Styling override for tag's text component
    tagTextStyle?: StyleObj
     * Width override for text input's default width when it's empty and showing placeholder
    inputDefaultWidth: number
     * Color of text input
    inputColor: string
     * Any misc. TextInput props (autoFocus, placeholder, returnKeyType, etc.)
    inputProps?: TextInputProps
     * Max height of the tag input on screen (will scroll if max height reached)
    maxHeight: number
     * Callback that gets passed the new component height when it changes
    onHeightChange?: (height: number) => void
     * Any ScrollView props (horizontal, showsHorizontalScrollIndicator, etc.)
    scrollViewProps?: ScrollView['props']

  type Props<T> = RequiredProps<T> & Partial<OptionalProps>

  class TagInput<T> extends PureComponent<Props<T>> {}
  export default TagInput
dheysonalves commented 4 years ago

Anyone can answer how is it going on the typescript implementation support?

reyn-nova commented 4 years ago

in my case, i put @jesster2k10 code to node_modules/react-native-tag-input/index.d.ts and it's working, thanks

Ulthran commented 3 years ago

For me I was getting ViewPropTypes and Text.propTypes undefined errors from index.js. Fixed the first one by replacing lines 117 and 383 with

tagContainerStyle: PropTypes.shape({
      style: PropTypes.any,

as per this suggestion and then I just commented out the Text.propTypes on lines 118 and 384. I imagine that might cause issues if you're not careful, but it makes everything work as expected in my (TypeScript) project.